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    woodworking, leatherworking, cosplay, minecraft XD

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  1. I made these for a friend's birthday to give as a gift (and didnt realize how much work it would be which is why its March and his birthday was in November). The first bracer (on the right) took me a solid 3 weeks to finish as I didnt really know what I was doing and I hammered out (no pun intended) the second one in a little over a day. All the metal cuts (including the logo) are the first things Ive ever cut on an 4.5" angle grinder. The store's logo is a blue flame and that was the first try of the first thing Ive ever cut involving metal. I think it came out nicely lol Minus the one drill hole I wasnt able to cover with the logo anyways And to answer the question first, I was out of 9 oz leather except for a pair of black bracers that I never finished, and the guy's favorite color is blue. So I took some excess 5 oz I had lying around and dyed it blue then rivetted that over the black 9 oz. The black plates are 22 ga steel as is the logo
  2. Can you wax one side of the leather ( say the inside, by brushing it on, will it affect the other side's color? Can you brush it to get stability and NOT affect the other side? The leather I have is amazingly supple and Id like to get the slaces top have a bit of strength to them (so they wont way, ripple in the wind)
  3. Sorry Ive been sick, but the right side is the color Id like to work with, the left is that in baked with the blue coloring in the scale (the rest would be black) the middle is a piece of wax boiled leather (I wanted to experiment - will that ever come out lighter than that?) and the large roll in the back is the leather im looking to lighten though now that I look at it its not that much darker I think I was still sick when I was thinking of lightening it; or I was thinking of the wax hardened stuff
  4. I know a few ways to darken it but none to lighten it. Are there any? The leather my relatives got for me is too dark for my original idea and was wondering if there was a way to lighten that leather so that I could still go with my original plan.
  5. Whats the right shape? Ive been trying conical with a flat bottom but Im guessing its supposed to be curved instead?
  6. Im just in the mock up stages but how do you make the inside pieces for the helm?
  7. Not for SCA, just costume use, U have a fair spread of molds to put water molded armor onto, but what would the suggested thickness be? Im looking for it to look sturdy, not as though someone had made it out of paper. The armor itself is thought to have been mde with iron/copper. For what it looks like I found this: http://www.armourarchive.org/essays/Shanwenkia.pdf Any help would be great
  8. Was one of my earlier ideas based on a design that left out the outriggers for a design that was attached to the backing by all three points was the best luyck Ive had with the design so far, Im stepping out to get a T-Square so I can do straight lines properly My own attempts at the paper phase The hardest part in the leather phase seems to be getting the outriggers just the correct shape otherwise (as in the above picture) they just wont fit. This armor was originally iron and copper by the way (as far as Ive read) so it SHOULD be more flexible in water hardened leather than it originally was. A point to my ability: I am an extreme novice. I have four bracers under my belt and thats it XD I set my sights at making a pair of bracers (one flopped, three survive) and with a little instruction from someone here (http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showuser=15001) Im callin him out as he's been such a help, I made the following: (not my tooling) With laces Left to right, my first attempt (that failed, Im planninmg on remaking it in Shanwen kia as with the scales you wone see the errors of the original attempt at tooling), my second attempt (friend's tooling), my third (friction wand for a Harry Potter Death Eater wand on the top, Stap attaching system on bottom), and my latest, My first attempt at tooling (the bumpy deatail was intended as it looks like pebbled snake skin) The tooling bracer has the bottom as below (boy was that a pain to stitch) The Wand holder bracer looks like this (cause I messed up and had to go with plan : Now I include all that not to show off, just to show how far I am in my progression. To show what I know how to do I guess. And yes, it may be insane to tackle such an advanced project this early in my learning, but thats how my creation process works. Throw myself at the project, and if I fail, learn how not to fail, then throw myself again, till I overcome it. I'm currently trying to make greaves next (while I work on the problem of the scales)
  9. Ill give it a try and bew back with pictures/results
  10. Im looking to make this style armor in leather and bake or wax hardening the leather to make it hard. http://www.armourarchive.org/essays/Shanwenkia.pdf For those who dont know what it is or looks like. Im especially enthused being that noone really knows what it looks like so its not like I can really screw it up. That said, Does ANYONE know the dimensions of this type of scale where I can get it to fit the way its supposed to? Thats the trick that Im finding hard to do so far. Im using around 6 oz leather (maybe lighter) the guy at Tandy said it was good for "screwing around" with as its so light (but he never gave me a weight). But it is extremely hard (impossible from what Ive seen) to get the leather to weave the way it is supposed to if the dimensions are off. Any help would be amazing
  11. Do you just acrylic resolene the outside? Or do you do the inside as well? Ive read places where people suggest the inside to avoid sweat getting into the leather. My project for reference
  12. How do you read said patterns XD
  13. There dont seem to be any guides that I can find to make them http://www.geocities.ws/craiggoetz/leather/bracer_tutorial.htm was an amazing tutorial once I understood it lol
  14. Im looking to continue my leatherworking, having made bracers with trying to make a pair of greaves (shin armor). Does anyone know of a guide I can use?
  15. Just on the surface, its very small, I thought it was a scratch at first It was dyed and molded wet. Its just dyed, I oiled it today with olive oil, havent sealed it yet.
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