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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. This pdf file is a bit over 5 MB so give it a few moments to download. Jim, we can't thank you enough for all you have given to leatherworkers over the years. Your patterns and books are classics, and you are an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing this tutorial with us. I'm pinning it now. Johanna
  2. http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/286491/e64adc9648/1415005021/dc15911324/ Includes a coupon for 25% OFF!!
  3. Here are the Guild Display pictures: http://leatherworker.net/ifolg09guild/index.htm Enjoy! Johanna
  4. I had an opportunity to talk to one of the owners of HC this past weekend. Of course, I am not at liberty to reveal all the details, but I can say that HC has a solid plan for being all they used to be, and more. They have all kinds of leather, new product lines, teaching aids, better quality tools and...drumroll...they have a website that works. Yep, you can get on their website and browse all their products and order as you like. You can also call them up and tell them what you want- they have always been big on customer service, even through the difficult times. HC feels strongly about helping to support this site and keeping the flow of leather knowledge going. Click on their ad, go shopping, and tell them LW sent you. Johanna
  5. Here are some people pics from the show: Alex is the VP of the IFoLG and served as head judge Barry King had a wide array of shiny tools to pick from! Bonnie and Roger did a lot behind the scenes to help pull this show off! Dave Smith is president of the Lonestar Guild, Randahl submitted one of the most interesting pieces of the competition, and Jim Linnell, who manages to smile at people even when he must be bone-tired. Edd Lucas, president of the IFoLG Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jane and George Hurst. It was wonderful to see them both. Bruce and Rundi Johnson are even wittier in person than they are on the net. Of course. Bruce has an amazing mustache, puts some of those Texans to shame. In 2011 the IIL is hosting the IFoLG show in Albuquerque. That means I have to learn to spell it. Paul and Rosa let me put LW cards on their Leather Wranglers table. Thank you! Mr. & Mrs. Theobald have raised their children to be productive citizens and the kids moved out. Now they are enjoying the grandparent gig, and are free to explore their artistic and creative sides. I am incredibly envious, but they tell me that I will miss these kid days someday, and to enjoy them while they last. Ernie and Bea Wayman, who still work tirelessly for the IfoLG. I have more pics to come. Stay tuned. Johanna
  6. I had a popular leather instructor thank me profusely for the calendar feature on LW at the IFoLG show. One teacher I was speaking to said that doing classes isn't profitable, but that it is possible to break even if attendance is good enough. People drive hundreds of miles to go to the classes, if they know about them in time to plan ahead. This morning I noticed that Clay had added more classes and events to it over the weekend. On behalf of the students and the teachers, thank you, Clay, for getting the word out to hundreds or thousands of potential students. I know it means a lot to the people who want to share what they know, and the people who want to learn it. Johanna
  7. Here you go, folks- 5 pages of the competition room. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture or scroll through with the arrows. I will put up the people pics and the guild display pics tomorrw. Johanna http://leatherworker...olg09/index.htm
  8. Does it involve Plaid's"Picture This"? I'm curious whether you reinvented 2shews' wheel. Johanna
  9. You have malware. Download "combofix"from cNet and run it. Follow the prompts. If it doesn't improve, PM me for a telephone number for a friend of mine who happens to be a MS MVP specializing in malware. He can prob remote if you can get combofix to run. Johanna
  10. Welcome to LW! I'm near St Marys (Take 33 at Dublin like you were headed to Bellfontaine) and it's always good to have new folks here, especially Buckeyes. I'm sure you know Columbus has an excellent leather guild- http://buckeyeleathercrafters.org . Kick back, pour your favorite beverage and make yourself at home. Johanna
  11. Would it be easier to send you a dvd of the entire uploads folder from the server? I see what you are saying, but I don't know the answer, and prob won't look until I get back from the show. Johanna
  12. The calendar is an important part of our community, and we are all grateful for everything you post, Clay! Thank you for keeping up with it and letting people know what's going on. We've come to depend on you. But, as you pointed out, anyone can post to the calendar. Please. people, don't be shy about posting local events. You never know who might see it! We and the teachers and organizers appreciate all the time you've put into keeping us updated, Clay. Attendance is improving thanks to you and LW. You are so right- if we don't sponsor the shows and the instructors, they'll find something else to do and we'll miss their valuable experiences. Johanna PA: Any volunteers to fill in a leather guild calendar? I'll be glad to make one if someone will take charge of posting meetings and events. Private chat rooms are available to any guild that wants to have a formal or informal meeting. Brent, did I see your hand up? LW supports all legit leatherworking organizations. If there is a way LW can help your guild, let us know.
  13. It's not us, Mike. You have updated your Java recently, right? Maybe uninstall Firefox, reboot, install their latest and greatest version? Use IE? Bury a black cat in the woods and walk 13 counterclockwise circles? I don't know, but it ain't us. Keep talking, maybe something will ring a bell with someone. Johanna
  14. I will check into it. Is anyone else having the same problem? Mike, what browser do you use? If it's something that can be fixed, we will. Thanks for the heads up, Mike. Johanna
  15. Oh my, I've been working here so long I actually understood that message. That is scary. Give me two minutes and try again. ~J
  16. We kept looking for you yesterday because the board said you were in the chat room. Clear your cookies (there is a link at the bottom of the board) log out, update your Java, reboot and log back in. That should solve the problem. Johanna
  17. Tomcat- PMs are working fine. Your issue has nothing to do with the upgrade, and we are looking into what (if anything) we can do about your problem. Real names would help- PM me with as much info as you know (like who you wrote the check to). I don't know if we will be able to help you, but we can help you get the documentation you may need to file a civil complaint or swear out charges with his local police. Johanna
  18. I think I have the edit fixed. Still having problems? Anyone? Johanna
  19. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=14026&view=&hl=moors&fromsearch=1 What we know as western carving in America came from the Spanish who learned from the Moors. Many of the classic design elements reflect Islamic cultural elements that we still see in woodcarving, metalwork, tiles etc. Johanna
  20. And the memories come flooding back...do you realize this thread is over three years old? Yep, Billy could tool. He tooled with regular hammer, "The Assassin", and the noise was deafening, the tools were mashed in and the results were spectacular. I met him the first time at the IFoLG show in Springfield Mo in 1995. He won a lot of the awards. LOL Now he lives in England near his daughter and her family, and because of his health, he had to put down the hammer. You can get Billy's video here.
  21. Barra has graciously consented to moderate the Sewing Machine Forum for us. I'll let him introduce himself and tell where he's from and what he does. What he does know is everything about sewing machines, sewing and more. Like Art, he's an expert. Thank you, Barra, for agreeing to keep an eye on this section. As LW grows, we have been fortunate to have many experienced people lend a hand where needed, and we are grateful to Barra for volunteering his time and expertise. Johanna
  22. Waterhouse Leather is also a sponsor here at LW, and offers members a discount. That's a huge double shoulder! It's nice to be able to get a few straps out of a hide like that, huh? Johanna
  23. Fiebings even makes Leather Balm with Atom Wax in black. Just be sure to buff, then buff some more. Other than my own experience, I know the stuff works because I accidentally drowned one of Dave Theobald's seats on the way to a show (car trunk filled with water during a storm) and it dried fine and took a blue ribbon. Johanna
  24. Ray- pretty pencils is one of those "DUH!" things I'm filing away for the future. Good idea! Johanna
  25. For some reason, the makers of the software removed the archive PM function. I am looking for a mod to put it back. I would like to have one folder with ALL the adult section requests in one place. So, the answer is "No. but I am working on it!" Johanna
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