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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. Yep, that about covers it. I have to show this to Wade. Johanna
  2. Folks, this man has given more to LW than anyone- give him a round of applause!

  3. Wher ya been, Romey? Missing you. ~J

  4. LW's friend Jim Simmons has shared another fantastic lesson with us- the California Slim Jim Holster. California Holster Patterns.pdf California Holster Tutorial.pdf Nice, huh? Johanna California Holster Patterns.pdf California Holster Tutorial.pdf
  5. Wade took today off, and none of our kids are home so we...ahem...slept in. Thank you RDB!! Posts are gone, spammer deleted. Every now and then one slips by, thank goodness for everyone's help. Johanna
  6. Ray, This is an ambitious project. The guilds here in the US that sponsor shows usually make their money off the raffle table and cross their fingers that enough people get rooms at the venue so the cost of the conference rooms isn't sky high. Nominal charges apply to vendors (you will probably want as many as you can get there) but they can't pay for the show unless they can expect super sales, like Sheridan (which is sponsored by the LC & SJ, not a guild). I would ask vendors for their money up front to be sure they show up. To get participants, you may have enough contacts by word of mouth, but to get attendance you're going to have to advertise somehow and a lot. Depending on attendance, I've seen guilds host shows wind up with a little extra money, break even, or go broke, depending on the organizing and the publicizing of the event. To start a show from scratch, I would ask for sponsors. Do you have a local leather guild or organization to help support your efforts? Competitions are tricky. Assuming you get a fair amount of entries, who will do the judging? I like your ideas for catagories but for a first show you may want to make the leatherworking areas very broad. Having been a judge at many guild shows, I have been forced to compare apples to oranges, and it's better to do that then to cheapen the whole event by handing out ribbons to undeserving pieces. You might want to prepare an objective list of goals that the entry should be judged on. The IFoLG has basic rules like "edges must be finished" etc. The guild shows competitions were originally designed to help the entrants improve. To this day we try to scribe (write down) what was done well, as well as suggestions for improvement. If you try to stay with an educational or fun theme you will be safer than "Best Wallet in the UK", KWIM? LW will of course do whatever it can to get the word out, and you can call or email me any time if I can be of use. I wish I could travel to the UK to help and attend. I would love to visit your country and meet the UK leatherworkers and suppliers. Johanna
  7. Johanna

    uploading pics

    Joe, have you tried using Internet Explorer? I had a friend test the uploading on a win 98 in IE and it went fine. I don't know enough about Firefox to be much help there. Johanna
  8. We met briefly at the IFoLG show last month. I admire your work. Welcome to LW, glad to have you here!

  9. More people will see it here than in the Journal anyway. We'd be honored to publish any of your lessons online. Johanna
  10. PM me your phone number and a good time to call, and I can probably help you get your pics back. Johanna
  11. Johanna

    tattooed leather

    Hmmm I would think leather would be esier- no customer has to be present, you don't have to care if you're making it hurt, and if you don't like it, you can throw it in the scrap box! LOL That sounds like a good idea, too- personalized leather items to match your tatts or vice versa. Looks sharp- I hope to see more of your work. You should do well. Thanks for sharing! Johanna
  12. Amy and Rubo- I am intrigued. I've been thinking about the potential for this technology since I met Billy 2shews. I never thought much about the market for customer give-aways, dismissing it thinking "plastic is cheaper". But people tend to keep things they perceive as valuable, or find useful and durable, and right there leather fills a niche like no other, and the market certainly expands beyond leatherworkers. If either of you want to donate 10,000 key fobs with the leatherworker banner on them and your "donated by" name and number. to be given to all members who want one, we would be delighted. Maybe some leather folks who run companies would like to have some spiffy things to pass out to school children on tours, business partners and friends, place in trade show baskets, or even bigger projects- new briefcases for everybody! How cool is it to run a leather company and have unique exciting freebies and gifts, custom designed, at affordable prices? Hey best of luck to both of you- I hope you guys all make a go of it. I'd like to see more leather than plastic junk, of course. Looking at what you do opens a whole new dimension using leather. Johanna
  13. Here are some pics of the leather feather demo Jim Linnell did in Cincinnati: http://leatherworker.net/Linnell/index.htm We had a great time- hope your class does too! Johanna
  14. I've seen their products, and they are high quality. Keith has made a point of incorporating his customers' feedback into his designs, and the designs themselves are practical and clean. I think the market will bear the higher price point because it's still cheaper and quicker to buy C-F interiors than to do guts from scratch, and if you are all about quality, you can't use the "standard" crummy insides that have been selling for years at the lower price point. Most of those are so bad you have to do the insides yourself or be embarrassed. Johanna I googled them because I knew they had a link, and the first 5 hits were to LW. This is what we are talking about: http://chaylor.com/
  15. No matter what, when the customer brings you the gun, have him empty it on the table and then check it yourself to be sure it is unloaded. I would definitely have some sort of written agreement spelled out and signed by the customer if the gun were going to be left with me. Johanna
  16. LW once again thanks the very gracious Rosa Zalesak for the pics.
  17. I do some work for a company on Canada. I want paid is USD. What is the easiest way for them to do that? Is PayPal really the best solution? Can their bank write me a check in USD? If I want to send an invoice to Canada, can I just put a first class stamp on it and hope for the best, or does it need special attention at the window? I have a client in Spain that I would like to talk to on the telephone. My Verizon plan assures me there will no charge if I initiate the call on my cellphone. If I call, am I going to cost him money or minutes? He's the type that won't say, even when directly asked. I have company in Australia that I would love to do business with. I can figure out the time thing just fine, but how does one call out of the USA on a landline? I dial "1" before the number to call Denise in Canada, but I know I need a country code or something like that to call Oz or Europe, or at least I think I do. I looked in my phone book (remember those?) for instructions, but apparently my local ISP assumes we will never call anyone further than Toledo. TIA Johanna
  18. You know what caught my eye on your homepage? A flag and "20% discount for military and law enforcement in thanks for service". (I'm paraphrasing, but you get the point.) My late husband was a Virt Nam era Marine, Wade served in the Army. My mom was in the Navy and retired as a Commander. I'm going to support any business that supports the military over one that does not. Nice touch, and thank you for your service, too. Johanna
  19. Newly Expanded User Friendly Tippmann Leather Crafting Website. Fort Wayne, IN - 2009 Tippmann Industrial Products, Inc. Made in the U.S.A. Manufacturer of Premium Leather Crafting Equipment and Accessories Tippmann Industrial has added many new and exciting features to their leather crafting website. You can now visit tippmannindustrial.com to download brochures, product schematics (drawings), informational/instructional videos and much more. Visit http://tippmannindustrial.com and view some of the new areas, as well as the improved areas of the site. • Product Videos: extensive online product instructional and informational videos. These videos are available for online viewing as well as downloading. • Parts Schematics: interactive parts schematics for each machine in the Tippmann Line. Quickly view the entire parts breakdown of each machine as well as an exploded view and description of each part. • Needle and Thread Guide: easy to follow guide to let you know which needle and thread to use for different applications. Tippmann offers a full line of various sizes of thread and needles. This new guide takes the guess work out of determining what size of needle and thread to use for any type of work. • Gallery: allow leather craftsmen to display their work on Tippmann Website. Simply click on the gallery button and follow the instructions and your work will be featured on the Tippmann site. • Site Map: quickly navigate around the Tippmann site by clicking on the site map link. • Monthly Newsletter: visit tippmannindustrial.com to sign up for the Tippmann monthly newsletter. Each month, the Tippmann newsletter features an existing Tippmann Customers work, as well as special offerings for the month along with a leather crafting tip and trick. • Tippmann Forum: the Tippmann Forum allows you to stay in tune with what is going on in the industry. Whether you are looking to share ideas, sell products, talk about industry gossip, etc. the Tippmann forum sets the stage. Dennis Tippmann invites you to visit tippmannindustrial.com to view his entire line as well as request a free printed catalog. You can also request a free catalog by calling the TOLL FREE LINE: 1-866-286-8046
  20. Fixed. Welcome to LW! Johanna
  21. Johanna

    address bar

    Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to highlight the one you don't want and hit delete. If you want to wipe everything off forever. go to Internet Options and turn off "auto complete". Close your browser, open it back up and turn auto complete back on. It should be clean then. Johanna
  22. I don't like double posts, but I'm putting this here to draw your attention to it. Jim Simmons, author, teacher and LW member, put together a very informative lesson here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19338 and I pinned it in the holster section and added it to the tips and tricks page. But even if you aren't into guns, take the time to read it. Jim goes through some fabrication techniques that will help you in your other projects. After you read it, post or PM him to let him know it was useful, and thank him. Jim knows quite a bit, he's a talented instructor and a heck of a nice guy. I want to encourage him to keep on writing, and you can help me by letting him know how much his work is appreciated. He's very modest, but I've been a fan of his for many years, so if you tell him yourselves, he won't think I'm just blowing sunshine. Jim, Johanna
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