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About OzarkMountainGunleather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters. Saddles. Belts, Boots

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  1. no I just go into my local store and tell the guys what i want the order it and in 3 or 4 days they call me to come pick them up
  2. I get all my t nuts Black to From a company called fastenall they sell all kinds of usefull hardware that no one else seems to have you can order as few a 100
  3. I dont Have my website up and running is because With the contract that I have with Wilson because of my ETHICS I wont sell any holsters to anyone else and I dont have the time to make enough other leather products to keep a website profitable. For example I had a saddle made to take to Witcataw Falls In Oct. But the day I set it on display in the shop a man came in and wanted it (next year) any way I never said anyone said I couldnt post anymore I simply stated that Im not here to argue about diffrences or pick fights with anyone. I am here for the betterment of the leather working trade and to learn what I can from those who are more experinced than myself. I felt that the thread was not benifical to any one at that point. I am 26 years of age and own and run a succsessfull leather business in arkansas. I have a lot to learn about the leather business but still feel that I have alot to give as well I am here only for that reason. I was given alot of advice, help, and support by fellow leather workers in my home town. I know that not all leather workers have that good fourtune and I think this is a great place to give them that. I personaly feel that there is no room in this trade for negativity, nor in this forum. And as for (copying, stealing, bad ethics, ect.) I will say that I have been given a chance that most people in our trade would love to have. an opertunity to build for a Nationaly Reconized Company. I gained this by my own Skill, Craftmanship, Eye for Quality and Detail, and Ingenuity. You dont get to work for a company as well recognized or as respected as Wilson Combat without ETHICS. period
  4. I know what you mean about hair flying every were I got about 200 sq ft of the stuff from a local furniture manufacture (their scraps are huge) gave 11$ for the lot so I cut out about 30 of these things as I have a lot of foot traffic from the shoe repair and I thought that these would be great (oh crap Ive still gotta get her somthing) last minuite point of sale products any way My shop looked like a cat came in and exploded for two weeks after I cut them out This is the only one Ive had time to finish and thanks for all the comments Luke
  5. If you can find it they make stuff called show me cleaner this stuff will litterly take the dye out of the leather. Mix the Show Me Cleaner (comes in a blue jug) One part show me to 20 parts water in a spray jug One part show me to 10 parts water if you want to strip dye and everything Get a good bristle brush and scrub scrub scrub alternating spraying on the show me cleaner and rinsing with water Allow to dry (inside) to keep from cracking the leather If Leather is extremly dry and cracked I recomend dipping it in kerosene (yes it works) can get a bit risky though Wipe the leather down extremly well after the kerosene bath allow to dry If not cracked and to dry (or after a kerosene bath) i use weaver top grade saddlers oil (it wont rot your stiching like other oils, it dosent leave a greasy residue, and it will not discolor the lightest of leathers) Now here is the key to a fine restore job take a piece of sheepskin that you should have laying around your shop use "Leather New" Liquid saddle soap (avaliable at most feed stores) and polish with the sheep skin scrap. finally for a nice top coat finish use "Black Rock" on a rag and rub in lightly If You want a high polish shine and you really want to seal the oils into the saddle I recomend you use Leather Sheen Spray the only draw back of leather sheen is that you have to strip the saddle in the manner mentioned above with the show me cleaner just to oil the saddle but it sure dose make em sparkle follow these steps and your saddles will look better than the day they were made Luke
  6. hey tex looked at you site beautiful saddles man rivals chappells work Saw your holsters to leave those revolvers in the dust and start on autos I would love to see a floral tooled pancake style for a 1911 frame also where do you get your afork trees from if you dont mind telling me I have had a heck of a time finding a decent built wade tree thnks Luke
  7. Hey guys Obviously I cant talk about holsters on here So here is a purse that i made. Acctually this is only about the second one I have ever made Let me know what you think would enjoy any critique (thats how you get better) thanks Luke
  8. To Johnny and the others who had the question about the tooling around a bend Tool the patern you wish on the holster Make certian that the tooling is deep but consistent through out the entire holster Allow the holster to dry completly from water used in tooling Dye and Finish your holster with a wood finish I like Min Wax Spray on Polyurethane this will harden the surface of your holster but still keep it flexable and gives a really nice satin finish do not spray finish on the outside of the holster at this point bend your holster around the barrel of your gun sew it together after you have finished this dip it in warm water to allow for forming of holster You should at this point have a nicely tooled and formed holster Luke
  9. This site is for the sharing of Ideas and Concepts and to offer a tool to teach younger people in leather work what ways work best for doing things. This was the first post I have ever put on this forum because I feel I am now at a level in leather work that I can be of help to others in the holster trade. I am sorry if my post has offended Multi Million Dollar Holster Manufactures. I am a small guy in the holster world and am not intersted in ticking off anyone period. I posted these holsters to show their beauty and because i am proud of them. (and still am) I have not "ripped off" any one. I would never do that. I belive that helping people starting out in the leather industry is vital to the survival of our trade. It is a dying trade. And I take any chance I have to help anyone who asks me. And if you were to talk to the people that are in my town who come into my shop on a regular basis they would tell you that. I will no longer be posting any messages on this thread because I feel this disscusion is pointless. It is not of any benfit to the leather worker community. If anyone enjoyed looking at my holsters and would like info on how to build their own holsters or any of my casing methods email me at alwsaddlery@yahoo.com. Because If it were not for the help I recived from numerous holster makers I would not be able to turn out the quality of holster that I do I apologize to all who use these boards for turning this into a fight between myself and Milt Sparks Holsters. It was not my intent in any way. I was not even trying to advertise my product. (as I cant sell them myself to anyone period) I simply was atempting to become a part of what I think is a great leather worker community Thanks to all for looking and I will post a few of my other types of leather work (not holsters) when I get a chance.
  10. Tony, I did do my own r and d and wore these around for months the reason I used one snap instead of two is that I found that on snap makes it easier to use I put two atach points on the back side of the holster instead of attaching with the snap My straps are attached by 2 t nuts on the back side which prevents the slide of the straps out ward I also contoured the lip of the holster to prevent this from hapening as well I didn't buy a holster from you because first of all I was not trying to steal your design in any way. and second of all I would have had to wait 6 months to get one. you had a good idea a holster that you can attach detach easily without removing your belt there were many styles on the market Most are Like Galcos (junk I think) yours was the most streamlined outthere Im not saying either holster is the better holster Im simply saying that this holster meets our needs better that yours Im not trying to make an enemy Tony I just wanted to show off my work here a little Wilson Combat gets all recognition for any and all of my work and I just wanted to show my fellow leather workers what I had produced I told you in the email that I sent you that I have a lot of respect for you your ideas have helped Milts company continue his legacy
  11. yes they are machine stiched Tony this is for you I admit I got the idea from the axiom but i use a single hard action snap because that is all that it requires and i added the shirt guard which your axiom does not have and I also redesined the entire holster to make it conform more to the body like our low profile Got nothin against you bud I admire your work and think you a great holster make to be honest with you I made my first holster less than a year ago for Wilson but I have been In leather work all my Life this holster thing is kinda new to me Oh yeah I do have some holsters coming out in american handguner i think your gonna like keep your I open Im not in competition with yall You have already formed your nitch in the business Im Just trying to form mine
  12. These are a few prototypes I Made up for Wislon Combat Thought you all might enjoy Thanks for Looking Luke
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