hello everyone! my name is Aaron. I am a fellow crafter like yourselves, who happened to stumble upon this website about 3 weeks ago. at this very moment that I am sitting here typing this,I am sitting here in my hotel room in pendleton Oregon, at the leather craft trade show, which is being put on by ferdco machines. a brief note about myself, and I hope this doesnt scare any of you, I work for tandy leather factory, in the portland oregon store. we have a booth here at the trade show, and I hope I get a chance to meet a few of you face to face here this weekend. one reason that I am writing this intro here,is that I would like to pass a bit of news to all of you. im sure you all are familiar with barry king. anyways, I got a chance to have a couple of drinks with barry this evening, and he informed me that as of the first of the year, he is going to try to roll out a few new items.(this is where everyones ears perk up). he told me that hes going to be doing a few craftaid-like things with his sheridan style patterns. wow! I can hardly wait! also, he informed me that he has new geometric designs that he is working on,and hopes to have them out by the first.very cool. also he says he is working on doing more sizes on his various geometrics that he has out now. needless to say, I picked up a few of his tools, and will be getting more tomorrow. I read somewhere on this site that people had questions as to the best way to use his lifters. I asked him about this, and he told me that you dont have to pry on the tool at all, that you just have to drive it down and it slides. which is why it is smooth faced and not checkered. checkered would just grab the leather and hinder the tool from sliding. no prying needed. needless to say, im glad I came to pendleton. ive had a great time so far, and have met alot of customers face to face, after only talking to them on the phone for months. I am putting the word out about this website, and barry also informed me that he would be very interested in doing a "live chat" on this site, and would love to answer all of your questions. I gave him the web address and he promised me that he would at least check it out.(btw, he is younger than I would have thought he was.) as for tandy leather factory carrying his tools, keep waiting. I am told by a very authoritive figure of tandy that it "could" happen, but not for at least a few years. darn it! ok,im done with my novel, all ya'll feel free to boo me,or hiss at me, or whatever. im just a fellow leather crafter who is interested in bettering the craft. thank you.btw,s orry if I seem to ramble, like I said,I had a few drinks tonight.:D