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Posts posted by mikeyp

  1. yes I have the machine and it has been doing everything I need it to do.I bought it before I came along the great website you guys have,hopefully the machine keeps working for me and if I have problems hopefully someone here can help me out .Thank you for your reply.

  2. I had the same kind of problem I ordered a black piece of pigskin I always order online but from the same Tandy store . The piece I received looked like cheese cloth when I unrolled it called the tandy store they told me to ship it back to them they paid me for the postage and sent me another very nice piece so all I can say I was very happy with there service. I would definitely send that piece you got back.

  3. I let edge kote dry for 24 hours, and then top it with a wax and oil mix of my own that is rubbed vigorously with a canvas cloth. I then follow it up with a burnishing stick until the edges looks like I want them to.

    Ok thanks for the info i'll do the same

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