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About howardb

  • Birthday 06/04/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NE Indiana
  • Interests
    cooking, photography, and leather carving.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Beginner, but improving
  • Interested in learning about
    Darn near everything
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Tripped across it whilst surfing for leather info

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  1. until
    IFOLG 2015 - See our posting in the forums!
  2. The 2015 IFOLG show is coming up! See the Hoosier Leather Guild's website for registration and competition forms. I tried to put a link in and locked up the tab, sooooo, I'll just type it here... www.hoosierleatherguild.com The main page will link you into all the fun show information. This year's head judge will be Jeff Swanson. This year's instructors: Bill Gomer Bob Beard George Hurst Jeff Swanson Kathy Flanagan Nita Pickering Roz Kaohn (yes, Roz is coming) Gallo Garcia Chris "Slickbald" Andre We already have Bob Beard, Barry King, Leather Wranglers, The Dragon Lady (Roz) and Tandy signed up as vendors, and several more verbal yes's, just waiting on paperwork. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Brent Howard, Chairman
  3. Where is everyone? Class registration is awfully low. It's not my show, but the hosts would certainly appreciate hearing from those going. http://www.octlg.com/IFOLG.html
  4. howardb

    Brush Roll

    A brush roll I made for a face painter friend.
  5. Must have hit post twice. Johanna can you kill this post?
  6. This is the wallet I made for myself. I've been waiting almost a year to carry it, but I felt the need to compete with it. it took a second at last falls IFOLG show, and another second at last weekends' spring leather show hosted by Calumet Area Leathercrafters in Michigan City. Both times I got the comment that the lacing was loose. Yeah, I accidentally put 1/8" lace in 3/32" lacing holes... crap. (I don't know why I didn't take the time to do that before this show!) So I do need to re-lace it, but I'm going to enjoy it for a while. I may even put a round braid on it.
  7. This is the wallet I made for myself. I've been waiting almost a year to carry it, but I felt the need to compete with it. it took a second at last falls IFOLG show, and another second at last weekends' spring leather show hosted by Calumet Area Leathercrafters in Michigan City. Both times I got the comment that the lacing was loose. Yeah, I accidentally put 1/8" lace in 3/32" lacing holes... crap. (I don't know why I didn't take the time to do that before this show!) So I do need to re-lace it, but I'm going to enjoy it for a while. I may even put a round braid on it.
  8. 2014 Spring leather show, starts tomorrow!

  9. Show starts tomorrow! Registration table should be open by 1PM Central time, though I think we were shooting for noon.
  10. 2014 SPRING LEATHER SHOW, APRIL 4-6. See the classes and events folder!

  11. Well, kids, it's almost here! The "Leather by the Lake" spring leather show is NEXT WEEKEND! If you don't have your registration packet sent in yet, and want to attend, please call the show chairman TODAY! (see the registration packet attached to the first message). You can arrive and register at the show, but we need pre-registrations for the banquet. Vendors: Tandy Leather Factory Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines Double K Leather The Dragon Lady Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal We have a bunch of great raffle items from the likes of Bob Beard, Barry King, George Hurst, Chan Geer, Q Lighting, McMillen Tools, Leather Wranglers, American Leather Direct, Leather Unlimited, Grey Ghost Graphics, Moser Leather, Peter Main, Clay Banyai, Tippmann, Y-Knot, Wickett & Craig... the list goes on!!
  12. I will try to get a vendor list up soon. it varies widely year to year. In the past we have had representation from Tandy, Tippmann, Ron's Tools, Bob Beard, Roz (the Dragon Lady) and others. This year I know Roz will be there, Toledo Industrial Sewing, and a leather supplier (I want to confirm which one before I spill it). Tandy has not confirmed but has expressed interest, and the Fort Wayne store manager is coming to teach the beginners class if nothing else. She could bring things with her if someone needed supplies. I'm not sure why I can no longer create paragraphs, that is annoying. Download and open the "Leather by the Lake" PDF file and it has the registration forms, class listing, etc. Jeff Swanson will be teaching two half day braiding classes, and Roz will be teaching her tips and tricks class, and a small vase class. We also have the beginners class for the kids OR ADULTS who haven't tooled before. We always have a fun raffle on Sunday prior to closing the show. Raffle items include tools, supplies, finished goods, and even a few fun household items.
  13. Yes folks, it's that time of year! The CALG spring leather show is happing this April in Michigan City, Indiana. April 4-6, 2014. Registration packet is attached. I have also attached the vendor contract document if there are any vendors lurking about that Carol has not already contacted.Leather by the Lake.pdfVendorSpaceContract2014.pdf
  14. Sweet. need to make the drummer a custom bag for his sticks...
  15. Calumet Spring show! April 20-22! See the Special Events forum for the show packet.

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