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    south dakota

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  1. howdy all I'm still kicking. Just been haying and working cows here in SD . The chinks are fresh off the sewing machine hope you all like. Herman oak tooling leather black cherry goat trim and water buff bodys. and new model sexy then I. lol
  2. now I know how a baked potato feels

  3. more rain what fun

  4. drive safe jo lots of flooding going on

  5. Im with Bree we are the US why change. We like our hogs head (63 us gal of water ) and berrels ( that are 31.5 gal of water). Cant for get the bushel and peck for our wheat and corn . we might need a bolt and how hard do you want that grade 3 -5 -8 lol . some day I do have to use metric on my fait tractor well at least it is all metric. this contry was all survaied with rod and cains now here is where the fun start now we are doing it with gps and lines are moving up to 12 ft here on the ranch do i have to move all my fence and if we we go metric do we market where it is or redo more fence . lol thanks just food for thought Russ ps still waiting for metric clock lol
  6. well the cub was brand new last may . It was at the show and worked vary nice. if you look here on lw there is some more chat on the cub and most were thinking for the money was not bad. My self like the round mover mevmet of your arm working it over the push pull of the boss. 1-800-419-9898 is the number for luberte man. inc. in troy mt new is $1195 happy stiching Russ
  7. Im with Mark on geting the right size will keep one off the buckles. This is why some of the chinks off the rack ( premade ) ones tend to bite one's legs is there use in the straps to make up the leather beeing short under the leg. Russ
  8. welcome Gus to leather worker hope you find some fun stuff you like here Russ
  9. wow my post worked party on

  10. here as some chinks that i made like 4 time befor i like hope you do.. body is diamond tan, yokes are herman oak and dark is bison
  11. vary nice Brother
  12. the great coffee here is why jo

  13. vary nice Steve thank you for taking your time and showing great a wild rose can look.
  14. As I did get around to making my coaster it would just not fit in the round shape. I did this one free hand and after looking back at the pic I still need to do more work on that but with a big cup it will cover most of it
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