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Status Updates posted by TwinOaks

  1. Poor ol' beat up pick up truck....first a transmission, now it needs a brain.

    1. roo4u


      ha must be a ford

  2. 2-shews photo transfer

    1. walkingH


      Did you get it to work? I got his video and tried, but it didn't turn out.

  3. Hey! Who left the fridge open last night? It is COLD down here this morning.

    1. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      It's cold up here also in Tennessee.

  4. Just got home an hour ago from 3 days on the road....guess who's pipes have been leaking behind the shower wall for 3 days? Yes...this will be a MEMORABLE weekend.....

    1. JWGlover


      I had to fix the same problem yesterday so I know exactly how you feel.

  5. Happy Birthday, Leatherworker.net!

    1. Johanna


      I can't believe it's been ten years already! :)


  6. Hey, this seems familiar....have I been here before?

  7. Got the 'attack warning' too, starting at 8PM cst. ran a cleaner on my end, reboot, all is working correctly now.

  8. @Kaci: Start a thread in Figure Carving. That's where it will get the most views.

  9. Gunter, I've never heard of that clip, but I looked at the "skeleton holster" and it's just a belt slide. All of them I saw were w/ belt loops. Link?

  10. Yay! My Tippmann showed up today.....but I won't be back to it until Friday.....hmmph.

  11. Got a Boss, lightly used at a good deal. Planning to start printing money with it.

  12. just be carefull not to burnish the leather by pressing too hard.

  13. I just got a student! Will meet Fri. to discuss mentoring and project options.

  14. Down here on the coast, they've put a size limit on the starps. Of course, homeowners can "deal with" rampant starps as needed, as long as they're on his/her property.

  15. See, Gunter, this is why you should NOT switch to low VOC dyes. Without them, starps don't exist.

  16. Yes Johanna, I've already clicked and drooled at the tools.

  17. If you haven't seen it, rent "How to train your dragon".....nearly busted a gut form laughing.

  18. Batten down, Ray, sounds like it'll be a fair blow.

  19. If the reader touched down on the surface of the disk....it's gone. Recovery is possible, but very expensive. DVD/flash drive back ups are a lot cheaper.

  20. Success!!! We have combined my mother's biscuits with my wife's granmother's cornbread to create a fabulous Dressing.

  21. Long holiday weekend is over...time to get back to work.....and the diet.

  22. Hey, who left the fridge open? It's 30 degrees down here!

  23. You added voice recognition to your shop!?!?!? I know technology is grand and all, but come on!

  24. It loads a bit slower for me b/c it's image intense, but I'm also on DSL. Once the pics and ads are up, it's pretty quick. All on my end AFAIK.

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