I had to tell some one! I called Mark with ARTISAN machines this morning and after thinking for a week + decided to get the ARTISAN 3000. With the few quearies I've made here at LEATHERWORKER, I've gotten plenty of interest and feedback from guys here on the forum and that really made a difference which machine I went with. And I appreicate that.......a lot.
I haven't really been much involved with any other posting or anything, just basically lurking and reading every night till about 2;00 AM. And I've learned a hell of a lot really. Especially when it comes to the places to get certain items.......and the tutorials, the tutorials are fabulous to boot!!!
I'm a knife maker by trade and haven't gotten around to posting my photo or much else here but that's gotta change.
I thank you all for all your comments, opinions, and heart felt convictions. They are all SO important to a rank newbie!
Sincerely, Colin Paterson
aka realmontanan