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Everything posted by D1ave

  1. I would guess they are slits as opposed to holes, just wide enough to fit 5-6 threads. But I'm only guessing. I'd love to know the process too.
  2. Thanks for the link, they are a good shop, though postage might be costly all the way over to me. Unfortunately there are zero leather supply stores here, I would love to have a rummage in one The one I made is very sturdy as the leather is 7-8oz and with the extra lining its quite stiff. The next one I will use the same for the sides and 4-5oz for the body.
  3. I was wondering if the old sewing machine in my parents attic would be suitable for leatherwork ? It's a Singer 28k hand cranked of the ones that has a wooden lid.
  4. Best of luck with it, looks good to me. Hope to do something similar myself in the future.
  5. Thanks to you both for the great information, I've no tools as of yet other than a scalpel and a single hole punch a friend gave me. Money is tight so when funds allow I will get some more, but for the foreseeable future I will have to stick with online research and seeing what I can make with whatever bits of leather and suede I can get cheaply on ebay as it seems the only place I can get small bits.
  6. Can't help you at all with pricing as I've no experience. But you work looks great, I would suggest you decide on a charge per hour for the time you work on each piece and then add cost of material to it.
  7. That's exactly what I did !! I know what you mean about the look of the stud. I was thinking of making a modern version, with a grey/white nappa leather, with electric blue suede interior and stitching to match.
  8. Thanks I was also thinking of using neodymium magnets hidden beneath the suede by carving out a hole deep enough so they can be glued in place and be completely invisible as the come in really thin sizes 1mm thick, just a case of matching them up position wise on case and flap.
  9. Hi all, I've been reading and re-reading this forum for the past few weeks and it's a great source of information, so thanks all I recently found myself in need of my first pair of glasses and couldn't find a case I liked so it got me thinking and eventually led me here. Which then led me to ebay for a few bits of suede and leather. See what you think, my own feeling is that I might try again with slightly thinner leather and any advice on getting the suede to stick a little better would be appreciated as you can see it is rippling slightly after I stitched it.
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