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  1. Hi All, Looking to improve upon my last results for a pending shearling project. In this case, using Eco Flow's water base dye/paint on the flesh side of shearling. Initially, that hide naked to being and as seen below Following the four (sprayed) applications of Dark Brown colored Eco Flo https://www.ebay.com/itm/Eco-Flo-Professional-Waterstain-Dark-Brown-250-ml-8-5-fl-oz-2800-02-Tandy-Dye/201358634693 I managed to color the hides sufficiently. Once dried all hides were sealed with Eco-Flo's satin finish. Problem being and what I am looking to improve upon is getting a smoother finish. Ultimately there are hit and miss porous areas that take up more more paint. Those same porous areas leave rough spots. I was wondering it there might be a good prep coat maybe even something that can be sanded to help eliminate those porous spots and achieve a smoother finish. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Cheers, Dave
  2. Hi Eric, Lots of effort and plenty of perseverance eventually pays off. That is once complicated machine. But thanks to you it is now putting out a consistently superior stitch. Thank you so very much! Cheers, Dave
  3. Hi All, Just wanted to thank gottaknow (Eric) for helping me through my Reece 101 rebuild. After untold time and effort on his behalf I finally got it working my way! An example of my machine's handy work is seen below with 9 keyhole buttonholes done to complete that horsehide jacket seen attached. Cheers, Dave
  4. Hi Eric,

    See other Monarch. This one was their 2nd generation & judging from the fact it was stitched with 100% cotton and that style Talon this particular one was made either during or shortly after  during WW-2. 

    With ever so slightly larger back panel & larger sleeves. Thus, allowed for more movement. Than that just earlier (black) model

    Either model is okay with me.

    Cheers, Dave




    Completed Corduroy Lined Cuff jpg.jpg

  5. Hi,

    Wondered if you ever found the contact for Shinki Leather? I would like to source some of their garment grade hide. If you have a contact for them it would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Dave 

  6. Hi All, Am looking to have some keyhole button hole work done in leather. My preference would be for chain stitch machine doing a cut after stitch to duplicate that work as seen below. That keyholes should have a cut that approximates 7/8". If capable please contact me davidsheeley@cox.net Thank You! Dave
  7. Hi All, Currently, I'm working towards restoring of a 60-70 year old russet colored leather jacket. Key to this restoration is the replacing of a couple of it's panels. The problem being, the material I sourced to replace those panels was originally a seal brown. Now I am attempting to ultimately derive a russet color from a once dark brown (seal) colored hide. To move this dying project along I have diminished that originally seal brown hide into a much more light color using acetone. Now begins the work to come up with the correct colors to achieve my goal!. So far using the different reductions of dyes (russet, mahogany & chocolate) available to me I have not struck upon a decent match for the russet color that I am attempting to duplicate. I am aware that it takes ever so slight amount of color as compared to the reducer. So far everything I come up with is too dark Now I am of he opinion that I probably need a different color to add into the mix. Was hoping to hear from others that might get me moving in the right direction with a color suggestion to facilitate a good match! The image seen below are of the two pieces of brown hides I am working with. The collar (reversed side) is the color I am trying to match. The piece of hide below it is the replacement hide & same once seal brown hide that I am ultimately hoping to match up with the russet colored collar seen resting upon it.. If anyone has an idea which may get this color right please let me know! Cheers, Dave
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