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About HFTH

  • Birthday 04/26/1996

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    Arlington & Stephenville, Texas
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    Everything so far!

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Messing up...
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  1. I did the same thing like you did before Tandy made those cases. I found some on eBay with a fake leather piece inlayed in the back, cut that piece out and put tooled veg tan in. They came from China and were only a dollar or two. I can find the link if you want!
  2. Hey guys I'm still pretty new at this, but I'm getting frustrated with my projects turning out mediocre. Right now I'm working on a roper wallet for my brothers birthday so I want it to look really good. Most of the outer part is basket weave stamped and I got about halfway through before I got fed up with the leather warping and the stamping seemingly fading away. I'm hitting the stamp about 4 or 5 times with a mallet on a concrete floor. The flesh side of the leather is bumpy where the stamp hits and I think that these bumps being pushed in is what is making the stamping lose definition. It's an almost brand new stamp from Tandy. I can't think of what I could be doing wrong besides not casing my leather correctly (I followed Bob's method from this website). Did I not let the leather dry out enough before stamping? Or am I just not capable of making something look professional? Any help is highly appreciated, I've learned everything I knowfrom you guys! Thanks in advance!
  3. Hey y'all, First off this is my first post, so if there's something I didn't do right feel free to holler at me. This is also one of the first things I've ever made, so critique me if you would but I felt proud enough of it to post it under show-off! It's a card-holding iPhone 6 case I made for my girlfriend (its actually the 3rd in a line of mess-ups). It holds 2 or 3 cards in it under the tooled leather. I found the case on eBay for $4 with free shipping from China and it had a fake leather back glued onto it, so I ripped that off and made a stencil for the veg tan. It's actually 2 layers of 3-4 oz leather that are stitched together and the bottom one is cemented onto the case (I first tried sewing one layer on through the phone case but the rubber case messed up the thread and it looked pathetic). About 2 months after I finished it, Tandy came out with their rubber iPhone cases with a leather inlay, so I feel kind of special that mine holds cards and was made before everyone could jump on the corporate machine bandwagon. Like I said, I'm totally a rookie so please let me know what I could do better!
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