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  1. Thanks guys, most helpful! Martyn, thanks for the link, too cheap not to try. Now i need to locate a fitting awl. Perhaps I'll make on. I have used the cheap chinese diamond shape stitching chisels, but since I bought a hide that is both thin ant tough the holes stay too round and make my stitches lose their angle. I'll try this now. There seems to be no limit to the stuff you can buy for leatherwork even on an amateur level. Now I'm longing to try Lin Cablé thread, but that'll ruin me for sure.
  2. Hi guys, Has anyone tried these cheap European and French style pricking irons? They would fit my budget very well, but I'm not sure if they are any good. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3mm-European-Style-leather-Stitching-Lacing-Punch-Chisel-Tool-Set-2-5-9-prong-/121729924500?hash=item1c57ab3d94:g:JJ0AAOSwc3ZUm8DJ
  3. Hi, I believe this is my first post, exciting! I am a pure hobbyist putting in hours on leather projects when I'm not to tired from work and kids and whatnot. Based in Sweden, btw. My question is if anyone of you leather gurus here have any good tips on how I should think when I combine stitch length and thread size (and leather thickness)? Every time I think I have figured out what will look good, it often doesn't turn out the way I want. Are there any general rules? I'm starting to think I should move towards pricking iron and awl, even though that's more expensive equipment and more difficult to do... Cheers, Anders
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