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Posts posted by Syd

  1. That looks really good, ecspecially for your first one.

    Two things that my humble butt can recommend to you,

    Pick up atleast volume two but try and get all three volumes of al stohlmans case making series, think they are on sale at tandy right now. They go into much detail about the best straps, blet loops, ataching, and such to get the most strength out of your stuff. Really some beneficial reading.

    And on the gussets on the side leave them a little longer so that you can fold them in so you basically have flaps that fold over inside of the top cover, this will help keep things in and other things out for the sides.

    But over all great job and merry christmas

    Hi Madmax

    Many thanks for your few tips above,will def keep them in mind next time.

    Will def buy the book you recommend.

    Merry Xmas


  2. Hi Bezza,

    Im thinking of making a Tank Bib in the near future,i was wondering if you could give me a bit of help with a few things.

    I really like the way you dyed your seat (GHETTO BLASTER) could you explain how you done it please.

    Few Questions

    1, Is that black at the bottom ,going into Brown at the top.

    2,How did you get it to fade from one colour to the other.

    3,What are the colours called.

    4,What brand of dye was used.

    5,And any more information you can give would be great.

    6, What thickness of leather is best for Tank Bib.



  3. Hi Hide,

    Many thanks for your help with my project as i call them.

    Done another one today and kept my cut shallower,also i followed your tip about keeping the bevel the same depth as the cut and my project came out a lot better this time,consider i used a rubber mallet and Stanley knife and i only had one beveler which was very large and another tool i had, dont even know what its called but i used it for the background.

    When i said it came out better its still ragged looking but im just experimenting lol.

    Maybe it doesnt look that great but i enjoyed every minute,it dont half give yee a sore hand,kno ive caught the bug for more.

    Thanks All


  4. Hi froghunter,

    Thanks for answering my thread and helping me out.

    I live in N,Ireland and i ordered the kit from USA.

    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your help.

    when i bend the leather the cuts are brave and deep so guess i cut to deep,once i get the Swivel Knife will try and cut to 1mm as you say.

    Cheers Both for your help


  5. Hi,

    Got fed up waiting for my Tandy starters kit (nearly three weeks waiting) so i had a piece of leather that i bought,i had no swivel knife so i used a different kind of knife just to see what the leather was like working with.

    This was a very fine blade knife, afte i done the cuts i used the beveler it didnt look to bad for 1st attemp and hands shaking lol,only one problem when i bend the leather the knife cuts seem open up badly is this normal.



    Hurry Up Tandy Starter kit.

  6. Hi,

    Many thanks for all your replies and for answering all my questions.

    We dont have Leathercraft Courses or Leatercraft shops here in N,Ireland so you are all a great help to me,ive read some books but cant follow them very well, but its not long before you Guys and Girls help me out.



    ps: Clayb, followed your link to Herman Oaks and sent them an email asking how much for postage to N,Ireland.


  7. Hi Hide,

    I contacted a lot of Leatherworkers and Saddlers from N,Ireland that i found on the web,and not one of them replied so i guess they are keeping their secrets to themselves,i havnt even had one reply from UK Leather workers on here.

    Thanks for the idea.


    ps: At the moment im paying £37.00 for 10 Sqare feet of Full Grained Kip Natural Tanned Tooling Leather,thats the postage add on also,that would be $74.00 to you,i find that really expensive.

  8. Hi Alex,Many thanks for your offer to help me out,its just im trying to get somewhere local to by the leather and just cant get anyone who sells it,im buying stuff in from England and i dont really want to buy any further a field,but thanks any way for the offer.All the best withthe tooling when you start.SydHi Hide,I have tried to contact other Leather workers in N,Ireland that i found on the web,but they dont seem to want to help as i never received an email back from any of them.Thanks for the idea.Syd

  9. Hi Hide,

    Many thanks for the information you put on the thread about SPLIT,im just starting to collect different kinds of Natural Vegetable Tanned Leather for future project (Like many years away lol),I thought the Split might do for parts of projects that cant be seen,and i was wondering could it be tooled also,but after what you said above i know now it cant,so cheers for the info.

    Worst about living in N,Ireland you cant buy leather here, so i have to buy in England,so i have no option but to trust the guy at the other end (Seller) and get it posted which ends up expensive after postage charges,

    Thanks Again

    Garry (Syd)

  10. Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me what these two different kinds of leather are good for.

    Both item are from a tannery



    1, I was offered a leather by a guy and he called it (KIP) he said it was good for tooling with and great quality.

    2, Leather Hide Natural (Unfinished) Vegetable Tanned shoulder split,ideal for crafts he said and tooling.

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