Hi this is my first complete project. Well, kind of complete, because it's a set of 2 and I'm still finishing the other side up.
I made these for my buddy's 100th anniversary Fatboy as a Christmas present. He said he wanted a different kind of shape to fit the lines of the bike better. I've custom painted a lot of bikes, but never made bags for any. My dad was a master at tooling leather, so I thought with a little advice from him and my expertise in packaging design, it was possible. Obviously I had no idea on the amount of work involved.
My friends wife bought all the leather. I did all the work. That was the deal. They loved the end result and I think it turned out pretty good for a first try. Obviously its not as clean as a lot of work I've seen on here. But I learned a lot from the hours and hours I've spent, reading everybody posts and looking at everybody's work here. So thanks. A Lot.
Again, it's my first try at making anything out of leather and I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I learned a lot and I think the next set will be much better.