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Muhammad Shamsuddoha Hayat

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  1. I have made a lot of wallets with these slit pockets. It cuts down on thickness but takes quite a lot of work. Used only glues(in copious amount), never stitched them. I usually use porous polymer fabric as interior. Looks nice, cuts down on thickness and weight but a headache to get them right. Tried to use canvas as interior but the weight made the glue ineffective.The steps are quite simple, 1)Cut fabric for interior in such size as it covers the lowermost pocket along with the part above the lowermost slit. 2)Repeat (1) for the required number of pockets. 3) Stitch or glue the cut fabric by stacking them in such way that they form pockets that are equal in area but each 1-1.5cm(the difference depends on the separation of the slits) higher than the other. 4)Stitch or glue the entire set of pockets to the exterior. The extended part of each pocket should be glued or stitched to the parts above the slits. Pardon my English and my poor description of the process. Here's a sample with polymer as interior :
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