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Everything posted by Dignitas1980

  1. The Singer 18-2 can sew dog collars and harnesses? The leather is about 3.5-7 mm. What about the needles and threads(nylon bonds) for this type? What`s the max size for needle and thread? I`m asking you because i`ve found this Singer 18-2 with 280$ and i want to know if suits me or not. Thank you!
  2. Have you try it? How thick can sew? If you use for leather it with a single needle, its a bad thing?
  3. Thank you, guys! Its easy for me to make the speed reducer, i think there is no problem if i use aluminum, right? Yes, i have to use its a 10 mm belt and i will buy some good quality belts, don`t worry!
  4. 37mm-160 is 1:3 reduction and 37mm-160mm is different, you mean 1:4? How come? The values are equals, no?
  5. Absolutely you are right! My "question" was about these 2 diameters.. It will make the machine more powerfull with a speed reducer 37mm - 120mm? Its enough this raport 37-120 mm or i need a bigger raport between diameters, something like 37-160 mm?
  6. I have the same Pfaff 193 roller foot and i want to sew with a large stitch than my machine usualy can sew(2-4 mm). There is something i can do, like changing the feed dog or something else? Any ideas?
  7. I have taking the idea of user northmound and i want to make myself a speed reducer. I found a pulley, it weight 675 grams, i will need a 13 mm belt, its an aluminium pulley and the owner has measured the outsite not the inside, but you`ll see what i`m talking about. I will need this one, a steel shaft and 2 ball bearings. I have skill so this will not be a problem. What do you think?
  8. And...one question. can i change the sewing machine head pulley with a bigger one not to buy this reducer pulley? It will do the same work without damaging the internals? I`m just asking..
  9. I have to thank to the first guy who initiate the post then, all of you for replays. Very helpfull! Again, thank you! and keep up the good work!
  10. I do understand, but the problem is that i`ve already buyed this Pfaff 193-4. It`s not the same thing like Adler 69? I will not sew same thickness? This Adler 69 its still for sale, but i don`t want to spend more money.. I have an offer for the Pfaff, so what do you recomend? Sell the Pfaff and buy the Adler? From what i`ve already understand, the difference between Adler 69 and 169, is the bobin, who in the case of 169 is a large bobin, right? God, is really hard with these things!
  11. I have that Pfaff 193, but i want to buy a Adler 167-203S, and this is with two needles, this is the reason why i was asking about the "conversion".. I do have a single needle machine and that Jk-servomotor will do the work just fine. I think.. So,about this Adler167-203S and Singer 196K5, they can sew thick? Wich will do a good job?
  12. I really apreciate your pacient.. I was annoing, i bet i was! Even now, i must ask: if i convert a double in a single needle, it will be a very big problem? By the way, today i was buying the Jk 650! :D
  13. It`s okay to convert Adler 167-203S)2 needle) in a single needle sewing machine? What`s the worst case scenario?
  14. Thank you for your replay! The problem is like this: that 167 was sold, but i have another one 167, the owner doesn`t know what subklass is, but tomorrow will send me some pictures. So, if the hook is broken or not workin, i`m screw, right? I`ve already bought one Pfaff 192 and another Pfaff 193 and i have to test them. Its hard to believe that these two german tanks can`t sew what i need: 5-6 mm dog collars. I can`t find manuals for them, maybe you can help me. Anyway, i`ve just talk with a jk servo motor dealer from my town, and he ask me 140 euro for Jk 560 750w. Now...i have to ask: why the type with needle positioner is so wanted? What`s the big difference? From what i know, the motor with needle positioner leaves the needle up, right? So..what`s the problem if the needle remain in material?
  15. Yes, that motor is very fast for what i want to sew, very important: if the machine is not equiped with a servo motor, i`m a dead man, because i have never put my hand to sew something.. I have an offer for 2 Pfaff, 1 and 2 needle, both are post bed, i think they are triple transport, triphase, but the owner doesn`t know what type are these.. And again, both machines got the same old motor, but they are very cheap! One is Pfaff 192 58B, two needle, and the second one, its looks exactly like first.... Damn, its so difficult when you know nothing about these things!
  16. Maybe you can tell me another types/models of Pfaff, Durkopp Adler, Necchi or other for want i want to sew... I`ve got some offers here, in my country and i want to know which will suit me. Thanks in advance!
  17. Thanks, guys! The 69's already have a flat bed attachment, but like the 167, they have that old clutch motor and this motor was converted in a monophase. Yes, that 167's got a roller foot, but this machine cannot be tested. The owner its a...dificult man. The 69's got a small pulley, the owner told me: dude, this thing is crazy, you`ve got to sew only straight line or ...you have to learn how to control it! I will test the 69's, see what its capable of. Thanks again, friends!
  18. Hi! I`m new and know nothing about sewing leather. But my question is: Which is the best between Adler 167-62s and Durkopp Adler 69-373? I want to sew collars, harness and other stuffs with 5-6 mm leather. For Adler 167-62s: It` a triphase motor clutch, with roller foot. It`s very old, i think its from 1985-1990.. The other one, Durkopp Adler 69-373, its a triple transport with walking foot, triphase motor clutch, made in West Germany, olso old. Both have the same price and i want to know which is the right choice for what i want to do. I know, i`ll need a servo motor, but still... I`m really sorry for "my english", but last time when i was writing english, it was 15 years ago. So, what do you think? About Adler`s, not my english.
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