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Everything posted by WoodsideCo

  1. Thanks for all the help fellas, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pull the trigger on one of the 1245's, I'm very excited! Was wondering if anyone had recommendations for a good servo motor (make/model) to replace the clutch motor with? Also do you think a speed reducer is also a good idea with a new servo motor? Appreciate any and all feedback
  2. Ok thanks guys, I'm going to try to get my hands on the user manuals for each subclass and see whats what a bit more. Sorry about the pics! cant figure out how to get them to upload upright, Apologies to your necks!
  3. Hey Glenn, Thank you for your reply, very appreciated. I attached some pics of both machines and the model number plates. Hope this helps! 1) Having some trouble attaching photos hopefully this works!
  4. Hey Everyone, I Was hoping someone could give me some guidance on the difference between the Pfaff 1245-706/47 and the Pfaff 1245-706/48. I am thinking about buying one from a friend but haven't been able to figure out if there any real differences or advantages /disadvantages from one machine to the next. A little back story, this fella bought one of each model of these machines from his brothers upholstery school when it shut down. They are both German made and he believes them to have been produced in 1979 and 1980, not completely sure. I have some pictures I can post if that would help. This would be my first machine purchase and want to make sure I don't buy a lemon or pass up on the better model. Thank you all for any and all guidance!
  5. Interested in the W/C. What color is it? Pics would be great when you get to it
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