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Everything posted by Otto6294

  1. Nice work....Lotsa leather there.
  2. Finished this one this evening. Ostrich laminated and stitched to 10 oz Veg Tan. Only edge and stitch groove dyed. The rest rubbed with pure neetsfoot. Holds one of my Ruger 4 5/8" Vaquero .45 Long Colts. Just something to wear around the house.
  3. Rick, I enlarged the lettering on a copy machine and laid it on the leather. I used a fairly sharp stylus to emboss through the paper onto the leather. Then you just straighten it all up freehand with the swivel knife. I then beveled around all of it.
  4. Guitar strap for my daughter. Modified holster for nephew. Built a new work table in the basement.
  5. Here are a few items I have been working on this summer. Holster for my daughter Other stuff. Made new leg shields for an old saddle. Pocket holster. Mag holder with 2 .410 loops. 45-70 cartridge belt.
  6. Yes....That tool plus a beveler and a small shell border. They are for my bike. I have sold a few holsters and knife sheaths but I make a lot of stuff for myself while I am learning.
  7. Usually not a fan of multicolored dye jobs but the lady insisted on green with a brown BG for her husbands shotgun. It turned out better than I thought it would and that is always a good thing.
  8. All stitching is complete. By edge work, I mean beveling, polishing, and sealing all of the raw edges.
  9. Edge work, sealer and a couple D-rings and these will be history.
  10. Cheapo Tandy sunburst border stamp. Heavy on the legs. Drive it forward into the leather to build up the ridge. Light on the sunburst. New effect for an old tool.
  11. I have wanted to try this for a long time. Had a few days off school for bad weather and jumped right into it. Started Thursday evening. These will be 10 oz veg tan saddle bags I can throw over the seat on my wide glide and strap them to the shock mount for easy removal. I have the seven main pieces cut and the three largest tooled, dyed and oiled. The brown areas should lighten up considerably. I haven't sewn a gusset this heavy before on my machine. I'm not going to skive the edge.....I would rather wrestle it and cuss. The gusset is 5 inches and the bags are approx 12" tall and 14" wide They will have 2 latigo straps with nickle plated brass buckles on each bag that appear to run up and over the seat. I am only lining the flaps. Probably use 5 oz on it. I will tan coat the rest of the flesh sides. I have been consumed the last 3 days.
  12. When I find the right table, I am going to do an inlay.
  13. Coming along nicely. The acrylic resist worked very well.
  14. Making a chess board for a chess set my mother made for me 38 years ago. It is large. 24" x 24". Lots of beveling. I am going to attempt an acrylic wash on the light squares to resist the darker dye for the dark squares.
  15. The quiver will hold any arrows. Its for target....not hunting. Doesn't retain enough for walking through the woods The one with the belt loop sits in your back pocket so it doesn't swivel. The smaller one is for front pocket.
  16. Western holster and belt, some simple leatherman sheaths, and pocket quivers.
  17. Kiwican, There is a base layer that is the bracelet itself. Then there is the welt layer with a hole cut out the exact size of the stone. Then there is the set layer with a hole cut slightly smaller than the stone and beveled inward. Has to be just right. If you flex the bracelet enough, you can pop the stone out so I still glue them in. I use marine goop. Bullmoosepaddles, With a high degree of difficulty on my Cobra 4. Thanks everyone for checking them out.
  18. I made these yesterday for my wife and two daughters......Labradorite stones.
  19. Yes I stitched it all together flat. Then i tooled it as crisp and deep as possible. Then I wet it pretty good. I put the gun in a 2 gallon zip lock and stuffed it in there. I pushed around on the scope area to give it some retention and let it dry over night. The next day I dyed it, then two days later gave it a good rubbing with neetsfoot oil. I will let it dry a few days and then I will spray it inside and out with some fiebing's satin sheen.
  20. Madadh.....here you go. Also, The extra thick piece on the left side of the holster is a hand grab to stabilize the holster as you are drawing the gun.....otherwise the retention around the scope from wet-molding makes the whole holster want to lift. I added that when the problem arose and it works great. If I make another, that part would be more like a hook for my left thumb. I just oiled it with neatsfoot and in a few days, I will seal it all up with some spray wax.
  21. These are fire-formed 30-30 cartridges necked down to 7mm and the shoulder raised. Bullets I like are Nosler ballistic tips and This is a Hornady SST....both 120 grainers.
  22. Windrider....lighter than a rifle and with a good rest I can blow up milk jugs at 300 yards....it's fun and not a bad deer hunting gun either.
  23. I have used a few and given many away.
  24. Oil dyed.....two coats. I suspect it will lighten up and even out some more. In a couple days I will give it some neetsfoot. Then when that soaks in good, I will finish it with some spray wax.
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