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About Ozzjim

  • Birthday March 20

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  • Location
    K.C. Mo.
  • Interests
    Leatherworking, welding, Geocaching, RV Living, Travel, A/C Refrigeration repairs

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  • Yahoo

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters Mag holders
  • Interested in learning about
    Improving every aspect of my life and Leatherworking

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  1. This is for a 'Pancake' style OWB leather holster, the one I've seen slips in and has a rivet on each side to attach itself, thumb release of the pistol Thanks in advance. Jim
  2. Hi LeatherMTR, Tandy has them. Jim
  3. I made these Jigs, guessing I can mold in the center... Made more for different mags
  4. Hello Learned and helpful Leather guru's I am a holster-maker, always tell folks I don't make double mag holders, never tell them I am too dense in the Pumpkin to figure out how to make the jig for a double. Yesterday I got in my general purpose shop and made some better single mag jigs, I attempted to make a few doubles. I make the singles by attaching a formed wood mag pattern to a board, I cut out a (Hard Plastic) cutting board of my wife's for the top, (I don't think she has missed it yet..) a U-shaped piece slightly larger than the wood bottom, then press the leather in-between. works OK. My question is how do you folks pattern the doubles? The center forming piece for the top has me stumped, the middle is so thin, I don't think my cutting board top will be strong enough to press it down on the wet leather so I can hold pressure. Help!!!!! Jim, Lost in Missouri and thank you for your help.
  5. Correct, I need to change that to the GP-100. i had both blue guns, the GP-100 got stolen off the table at a gun show. I think they stole the holster it was in as well. Nothing worse than a friggen thief.. Thank you! Jim
  6. Hi need ruger SP-101 blue gun or L frame thanks! Jim
  7. Gents, a guy stopped by our holster booth and asked if I had the pattern for a 1911 holster for an in-holster push-down rack type. He saw one once and didn't get it, been kicking himself ever since. I had another guy relate a story that the MP's used to rack theirs on the exterior of their holster.. Somehow.. Any info for me on the holster-rack for me? i appreciate your consideration Jim
  8. I do know the LC9 will fit the Colt Commander and the Glock 43/ S&W Shield are the same, now we won't be talking about the 'boned in' fit obviously. This will be a good reference for all of us. Thanks. Oh, the Walther ccp fits the Shield/Glock holster combo
  9. Ok guys, I came across this; http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-140527.html It might be what we are needing here
  10. Thanks guys, looking at the trigger guard, I figured it would be a problem. I think I will pass on the Blue gun for this one, I just got one in and two on the way. I have to get it in my head that I can't please all the gun shop requests. This pistol is indeed entry level Appreciate the help. Jim
  11. Maybe something I have already, seems I get a delivery from the Blue gun store every other day.. Thanks for the help
  12. Thanks, I appreciate the leg-work on this. I have had only one request for this Pistol, so I can't justify the expense of another Blue Gun, my wife would Bean me with it when it arrived It is real close to the Sig P-225, so I might try that. The guy needs a Left hand version, I imagine his choices are limited right now. I have a request on the CZ Forum also. Thanks again. Ozz
  13. Hi folks, Got a request for a holster for a CZPo9 4.5" do you know if there is a close fit to another Pistol holster? I am wondering about the P99 Thanks in advance, appreciate the support the guys here on the Forum provide. Ozz
  14. I have a metal Gamo P-23, looks like a larger Walther PPK. I tried researching what actual centerfire pistol if any, it is a clone of. No joy so far. Does anyone know if it is a replica of an actual pistol? If so, which brand and model? I would like to add it to my 'Blue-gun' patterns if so. Thanks for your help.
  15. I have a metal Gamo P-23, looks like a larger Walther PPK. I tried researching what actual centerfire pistol if any, it is a clone of. No joy so far. Does anyone know if it is a replica of an actual pistol? If so, which brand and model? I would like to add it to my 'Blue-gun' patterns if so. Thanks for your help.
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