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Status Replies posted by Crystal

  1. Sign in a leather shop: "I can make anything with enough of my time and enough of your money!"

  2. Got my flight tickets today. Heading for the Sheridan show in May!

  3. Paul Burnett

    1. Crystal


      Another great loss in leatherland. He will be missed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. just got an order to tool & paint "St. Michael vanquishes Satan" by Guido Reni on a tank bib...this should be a good challenge! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Guido_Reni_031.jpg

    1. Crystal


      wow, can't wait to see how that comes out. Good luck!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Traveling to the US (Michigan) on Sunday, I wish it was as easy as "beem me up Scotty". I guess "I'm getting to old for this s..." Ayways, this is the time to stock up and finally get some things to nice prices :-)

  6. We finally had a good show yesterday: in addition, we listened to good Celtic music all day, sampled/bought/drank good wines & sold lots& lots of good leather stuff. A VERY good day! Yeah!

  7. Off to Australia

    1. Crystal


      Have a great time, Clay! Good luck with the classes, you'll do great!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Getting ready to leave for our cruise trip through Scandinavia: Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Sweden, Russia, Finland: fly back via Iceland. Burglar alarms are on, passport case is finished. Ready to Rock 'n Roll!

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