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    Carpentry, Leather, Photography, Sports, Traveling, Music, Family

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    Wallets, bags, Dopp Kits
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  1. I really appreciate the thoughts! I purchased some Fiebings gum trag. I have gotten a great edge with a mixture of heat and burnishing. That said I have to be very careful when burnishing since it is so thing.
  2. Hello Everyone, I know this has been asked before but I could only find burnishing veg tan edges here in the search bar. I am using chromexcel and tried using Fiebing's Acrylic Dye, but hated it. So now I'm back to square one, and instead sanded the edges down -> applied water -> heated the edge with a jerry rigged tool I made up (gets up to about 350-450 Farenheit) -> apply beeswax -> heat again -> beeswax -> heat second time. My question is, will the beeswax eventually fail, and will the burnish come apart in a few years, or does this technique actually last a very long time? I'm making nato watch straps and obviously can't test each method for 10 years, I want your input and years of experience if you would be so kind! Thank you for your time and thoughts. PS. The chromexcel is roughly 2-3 oz. EDIT: Gum Trag, thoughts, process of putting on tanned leather such as chromexcel?
  3. Hi Jonasbo! I was searching around the forums for watch straps to get some ideas, I've been dabbling in leatherwork, and have only been messing around with card wallets but wanted to make something for my dad, figured a watch strap would be neat. I saw your post on your own make, and they look incredible. Do you make your own patterns? Where should I start on watch straps? I'm sure you're a busy person, but I am just looking to start on this somewhere, thanks for your time, have a good day =)



  4. The biggest problem for me is the language barrier. Add that with a beginner and it creates problems haha. I'm glad to be stood corrected, if I could get in contact with such a person here in Korea that would be amazing. As far as sewing or bringing back the leather, thats not a bad idea, may do that.
  5. Zuludog - I would usually not want to get rid of the leather immediately but I will only be residing in South Korea for another 4 months, so holding onto leather isn't possible at least not for long. I have a sharpening strop for my straight razors, can I use that? I don't think I'll get into the sheath making, only because I'd like to learn wet forming later on, for guns/knives, etc. I'd like to stick to simpler stuff, as a beginner, but nonetheless I will look into that! Thanks for the links! ConradPark- Since I live in South Korea, there are definitely none of those I can find. Most of the leather shops here get their leather via importation, and do little to no splitting (that I know of) here. Any tips on what I could create with the mm I have? Would women's purses do, like this one? http://www.lzpattern.com/leather-bag-patterns-catagory/leather-craft-patterns-bag-pattern-leather-patterns-stitch-patterns-crochet-patterns-leathercraft-leather-craft-leather-crafting-%20leather-carving-leather-art-leather-working-leather-tools-leather-craft-tools-leathercraft-tools-handmade-tools-CLD-10 Thanks guys, appreciate all the help so far!
  6. How do you put the metal ring inside the leather? I have never done this before.
  7. So I just got into leatherworking a week ago, and as usual I got too excited too quickly and ran into a problem. When I was buying leather I accidentally bought way to thick a leather for wallet making (the pattern I use requires .8-1.2, and instead have double or more the required thickness. I have almost two full hides and spent $140, so I'd like your opinion on what I should use it for? As a beginner, what are some good options. I made some earphone holders, and transit card holder but I'd like to make something more worth my time. Thanks everyone! David
  8. Could you also send me? Just starting out and this would be a fun project! davidspadaccini@gmail.com Thanks!
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