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Everything posted by doe

  1. It's a few months off but I would love to post the results (good, bad, or ugly) when I get there.
  2. Thanks for posting that video. My medium-term goal is to make a tote bag like that, but instead of turning the side edges out and stitching suede sides together, I would want to skive them down, overlap them, and do a double row of stitches. The two halves of this box kit seem to follow a similar process to the bags linked here, except that instead of cutting the material away from the large rectangle of leather, that material pivots inward and is riveted to the base. It seems simpler and also reinforces the bottom of the bag. Useful for square shapes like this box kit but it would create an uneven base in a rectangle like these bags.
  3. Hi everyone I'm new to leatherworking, having taken a couple of classes, and I am ready to strike out on my own with a pile of scrap leather I picked up and some basic tools. For the types of projects I want to make (simple cases and envelopes to start) I need closures and so I've been looking into picking up some snaps. And that's pretty much where my confusion starts. I downloaded the Ohio Travel Bag catalog so that I could see a wider variety of snap types (versus Tandy which seems to only have a few) and that was great for an overview but I can't really tell what the differences are or what application the snaps would be used for. Does anyone know of a primer anywhere that explains these snap types? Segma snaps Glove snaps - are these the same as Segma snaps? Belt snaps - are these basically glove snaps, but heavier duty? Line 20 and Line 24 snaps - these seem to be better for applications that need a stronger hold, but overkill (and possibly even hazardous to thinner leather) on more delicate projects - is this right? Parallel spring snaps - I can see that these have two little wires inside the socket. Are these different from glove/belt/Segma snaps? Any others I am leaving out? Is it possible to get an assortment of different types and sizes of snaps so I can try them out without breaking the bank, or am I pretty much stuck with buying each type of snap separately? Any guidance you could offer would be very much appreciated! I really want to get the right hardware as I go forward with this hobby.
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