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  1. Just getting back into the craft and looking for some equipment and supplies. I would love to buy what you have to sell. If you have any other stuff that you want to get rid of let me know.


  2. I am essentially giving away these hand tools, caranuba wax, tiger thread, strap cutter, etc. Must take everything pictured. Over $300 total value.You pay $25.00 plus $15.00 shipping and it's yours.
  3. Hi Leather Workers ! I am selling this Weaver Little Wonder and Grommet Setters and Snap Setters attachments. The Little Wonder retails for $370; Grommet Setter #1 & #2 attachments retail for $90 combined; 4P snap setter attachment retails for $110. That is a total of $575. I want to sell the complete set (machine and setter attachments) for $250. They are in excellent condition and essentially new. I will include shipping in US.
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