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Dwight D

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Everything posted by Dwight D

  1. WOW! Thanks for all the geat advice,! I was lucky to have a good work bench to start with, I have always hated wobbly work surfaces. i was also luckey to find a treasure trove of granite counter top, so that helps. I guess my best bet is to get two mauls, on for light work ans one for heaver work. Thanks again! Cheers Dwight
  2. My first try at a leather tool pouch. I used 6 oz veg taned leather, and I found it difcult to sew the gussett and straps , I did spray the leather with water to make it a bit more felexable. I love the look of the copper rivets. There are a few things I think I'll change on my next try. Any sugestions would be a great help! Cheers! Dwight
  3. Hi there! Im new to this too, I just started using stamps and have found that a pice of "granite: conter top works well. Put I am not sure what size of hammer to use, weight wise I mean. Thanks!
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