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Posts posted by Keebz

  1. Hi I'm about to start doing a couple vest for some family members using the Tandly leather vest pattern, my question is on the instruction it says "Be sure to allow at least 1/4"-1/2" extra on all edges to turn the leather for a finished edge..." so my question is does this mean for me to cut a half inch extra all the way around the pattern? or is the 1/4"-1/2" already included in the pattern?

  2. Hi everyone I've been looking for a binder attatchment, but my machine does not have the 2 attatchment holes. I'm in South Carolina and have been searching where to find a mechanic who could maybe tap them for me but I have had no luck. Was wondering if anyone knew a mechanic here in SC or if they'd be willing to share their knowledge on how to do it myself. I consider myself pretty handy I just do not know the layout for the attatchment holes. My machine is a consew 227r

  3. My wife wants me to wrap and line one of these for her in leather I've never done it before and was wondering if anyone could help me out on the process. How do I get the leather around the corners without it creasing? I would really appreciate it. Thanks post-63599-0-89261500-1438142526_thumb.j

  4. Hi I'm new to the leather working world. Thanks to a lot of people on here pointing me in the right direction I finished my second item :) which I think turned out very well. My first was done on a machine I got off eBay that wouldn't sew leather correctly. After getting a new to me machine (consew227r) It gave me more confidence that it was a machine problem and not the operator. Please let me know what you think good or bad.post-63599-0-54653100-1437945469_thumb.jpost-63599-0-91462000-1437945512_thumb.j



  5. Yes I have the manual, I noticed in the manual the feed dog was supposed to raise 1.2-1.5mm for leather. After I raised the feed dogs it was stitching a lot better. I cleaned the bobbin spring and pulled out all kind of fuzzies from where the bobbin sits. Seemed to do the the trick, I will work with it a little more tomorrow. It's really my first machine, I've sewn a little on my mothers machine when I was younger so it's a learning experience. It can get a little frustrating. I really want to learn to service the machine myself if possible I do not know of any service men/women in my area. Thanks very much for all your help. I'm sure I will be back lol. I gotta try to figure out how to make a flat bed attachment for it. I am very happy that my top stitching just doesn't look like a line anymore. Is #69 thread what I should be using?

  6. Thanks for all the help. Is thread tension the only thing that would make the stitches not be uniform and nice looking? I've changed and changed and changed the tension top and the bobbin to no prevail. Sometimes it'll sew beautiful stitches for a little bit then it's right back to seeing the bobbin thread being pulled up into the top stitching holes

  7. Yes I have all the other pieces. I ordered the tension assembly. I do not know why it snapped off It looks to be bent though. I was wrapping the thread around the washer and it just fell off. Weirdest thing though, my bottom thread was coming up through the top piece of leather. It left just enough of the post to screw the tension knob back on against the washers. And my tension is where it needs to be. Stitches now look perfect!

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