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    Lewiston, ID

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    Bible covers, holsters and bags.
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    Searching for holster information

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  1. Jeff, I disagree about the value of the Adams videos. He has some methods of work which are good to look at and the pace is OK to digest what he's discussing. His workmanship is good but the gripe I have with his patterns is they are 50/50 pancakes except for one he did on revolvers. I think one or two is worth a look. The EDC videos are a confounding waste of time.
  2. Yes, please.
  3. Jeff, is the Glock 17/19 pattern on your etsy site this style or 50/50? There is nothing in the descriptions of your patterns to indicate which. Thanks Larry
  4. Hi Aaron, 

    Back in summer 2011 you posted a reply message about a billfold wallet design but the details are missing in the archived thread. If that design is available to be forwarded I would appreciate seeing it. 

    Best regards

    Larry Shorthill (aka, remotelarry)


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