Thanks Jim!
I got a bit too caught up in the moment on my first test run, and got my process out of order so I don't have a retention strap on that one...
My leather seems dry, that's the best I can describe it since I don't have a whole lot of experience working any before. It's 8/9oz. On my test run I wet formed it over the axe head, and that got me a nice sharp bend on it, but I guess in my head I'm jumbling up my order of operations and not quite sure which step to do in which order.
All my pieces are cut, main sheath, welt, and retention strap. I have copper rivet & burrs, and snaps already.
I need to do the following
Punch holes for retention strap Set strap/button Wet form head/strap Punch holes, (for main/welt, and retention strap) Sand edges even after it's together so everything is lined up Burnish Dye Set strap/snap Set rivets Oil/Soap/Wax
I *believe* I should dye everything before assembly, and obviously it needs to be wet formed and burnished before it's dyed.. If I wet it after burnishing will that ruin things? If my leather is dry should I be conditioning it somehow before anything, and if so how? I don't want to get in the same place as I was with my first round where it's half assembled and I realize I can't get in to where I need to in order to set my next rivet. If I set the strap before wet forming, then I can't get everywhere I need to for dying/finishing, but if I don't I'm not sure I'll be able to get where I need to set the rivet properly with the tools I have.
I know these are newbie questions and probably out of place for this post, I'm just thinking out loud and would greatly appreciate any help you guys can toss my way