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Everything posted by sheridanman
For Sale Craftool Assorted Stamp Tools And Stohlman Books
sheridanman replied to sheridanman's topic in Old/Sold
Hey guys no harm done here I myself personally was surprised when I had inquiries about that book before I reposted my stuff with the leather tools book together in the lot. I was wondering why these inquiries came up and coincedentally both inquiries asked me if I had that book too since i had the stitching and csse making book from Al, and would sell it with the other books. They wanted the paperback issue which I do have. I went inline to investigate if there were no paperback issues anymore which to me is surprising, I stumbled upon links to Tandy that they had it in PDF form of some kind that one can download for $10 USD maybe less. And those links led me to dozens of paperback book issues of the leather tools in prices ranging from $300 USD that have folds and tears in them and the mint ones that had $500 to $600 USD. I thought it was a joke and didn't bother at all think in it wouldn't be that possible since there books that are hardbound that can be bought and have almost the same concepts in context. Well my bad to have mentioned it honest mistake no harm done to me and thanks for being honest. I have no intentions of scamming or taking anyone's money dishonestly. I easrn my money thru hard work in leather working so hope I didn't mislead anyone if I did I apologize. With regards to the verges stitch marker wheels set I did pay that amount since I am from the Philippines I have to pay custom duties wen shipping stuff from the west. Its not easy here. If anyone who is a foreigner and had resided here in my country you will understand what I'm talking about. Anyways happy holidays to everyone here. If anyone's interested to take any of the stuff just send me a pm I'd be happy to listen to any offers. If any of these stuff is sold well good and thanks extra cash to keep my smalltime business going and if it won't sell its OK it'll stay in the box. Again I apologize my bad. Thanks! Ritch https://www.flickr.com/photos/ritchremoleather/ -
Reposting this lot of assorted stamp tools, adjustable Craftool swivel knife, Chan Geer pattern packs and more plus three Al Stohlman books and one of which is the hard to find paperback issue which I have kept in great condition. This leather tools book by Al cost around $600 USD new at Amazon and around $300 to $400 used with some abuse. I also have 3 replacement stitch marker wheels sizes 4,5,6 from Vergez-Blanchard which I purchased with shipping and taxes around $200 USD. I have no use for these stuff and would like to turn them into cash to fund my leatherworking. I will $350 USD for the lot and will ship via DHL door to door shipping Shipping is quite expensive here and that stohlman book is a steal with this lot's price. Pls. Pm me if interested. Thanks! Ritch R ! I am selling the whole lot for
Hell LW folks, Just want to bump my post for these three sized stitch wheel markers for marking slanted holes for European saddle stitching. These wheels are of no use to me but it may be to someone here. $100 USD shipped to conus. someone told me their like 30-40 each but even if I got this at a higher price each from France which I paid more for custom duties for such small items I am selling them cause their just here with no use at all. Thanks !
sorry its chan geer not chan beer. typoerror. im using my tablet. thanks!
No idea about that one but I bought mine direct and I had it shipped to me from europe and paid extra custom duties here to claim the set. BTW, these are brand new as well, but bought and kept just kept them with no use.
Here's three stitch marking wheels I am letting go without the handle for $150 USD shipped to USA. If someone's interested and is up for fabricating a nice handle for these wheels. Three sizes #4,#5,#6 spi. They can go thru thin leathers so no need for stitch punch or awl. For thicker leather it makes marks and shallow cuts that will help start the stitch punch iron or awl in place. These makes those Hermes and Louis Vuitton stitching style that is slanted. Very nice to have in your toolbox. Makes those stitch marks easier and aligned.top to bottom #4,#5,#6. Thanks pls. Send me a message for those interested._----_ritch
Selling 9 border stamps and swivel knife set for $150 USD shipped to USA. These tools alone cost $9.95usd each at Tandy. The carving knife at $19.95usd at atndy as well. Will throw in an English paring knife that cost me $50 usd. I have no use for these tools. I have my own patterns and they have no place in my designs. These were given to me and bought by a relative, thought these were the tools I want but were not. Made up of craftool usa,craft Japan and kyoshin Elle brands. Very nice impressions. The knife is a craftool brand. The paring knife is handmade from Japan. Thanks!
Here's 7 pattern packs that value around $15 USD each will sell all 7 packs for $100 USD shipped to USA. No use for them I draw my own patterns and I do mostly the non-sheridan designs. Thanks!
by the way the Vergez-Blanchard markers are really sharp. when used on very thin leathers it already makes the slanted stitch holes. so a pricking iron is not necessary as the slanted Hermez and LV stitch hole marks are already there if used on a bit thicker leather it doesn't go thru the leather you need to punch with a prick iron or use a saddlers awl. but nevertheless it makes marks with initial cut thru the leather to help start teh hole. very well made. i have not used them and just kept them. thanks! rtich
Hello good folks of LW! If anyone is interested i am selling my Vergez-Blanchard stitch wheel markers without the handle. anyone can fashion a handle for these great stitch markers since the handle from VB tools are easy to fabricate. to me it looks similar to a leather creaser from tandy with the wing nut screws to hole in place the wheels. I have three sizes. anyone interested i'd be happy to entertain inquiries (richdomino@yahoo.com) I also have some border stamp tools for sale that are old craftools and most of them have not tasted the leather yet since it was a gift from a relative. i have not used them since i make my own border tools stamp with my own design for my style of tooling. the generic designs although are great for beginning and advanced toolers just won't suit my patterns. I have been making skiving knives with straight edges not the angled ones similar to those english style paring knives. i will post a pic of my own skiving knife that i built 3 years ago and have enjoyed using it especially on my turn-ins and folds when i do wallets. they work well on thin leather. has a flexible blade so you can bend a bit when going for those dives when making steep angle edge skives. thanks all! ritch
My Final Set Of Hand Tools And Stitching Tools
sheridanman replied to sheridanman's topic in Leather Tools
@chris i bought the awl and the blanchard stitch marker wheel from paris, france. @ Texas Lady i made a small zip pouch out of nubuck leather. all of these tools are inside it and comfy. no banging or scrating other tools coz i made holsters for each edge of any sharp hand tool. i will post a pic of it when i have time. you actually dont need a lot of tools if you know what you are mostly building out of leather. if for example you need to make stitch grooves and at the same time make v gouges for leather folding just bring any of this two and they work somewhat the same. the key is to determine the function and the purpose of the hand tool. i am a minimalist and i like my hand tools small but very effectively functional.i maintain them daily for sharpness and teh work becomes easier, safer, clean and faster. plastic bags would just add up dings and dents on your tools and if the edges are not protected they are prone to chips or dullness. but if you don't mind hurting your tools its ok i guess, but in my book i take care of my tools coz they cost me both arms and legs. i got so many tools when i started buying this and that whenever i needed one and if i ever see a new tool come out from tool catalogs. but the longer and more endless projects i build over the years you learn to drive your way thru leatherwork without eventually haveing to use that many tools. so i gathered teh new ones and set up the tool set in the pic, and dissed the old and some new ones that i will not use. my rule has always been less is more but with quality. before i came up with the tool set above i said to myself to get myself only 10 best and most useful handtools that i only need and that's it. thanks !---------ritch -
hi guys finally i got down to the final number of tools i just need to build projects that i have been building for some years now. at last i got rid of the tools that i didn't need after an inventory. i noticed that i kept getting tools i didn't need at all. it just crowded my tool box and been rusting for sometime without any use. i put them up for sale and cleared my toolbox. so here are the tools that helped me minimized everything. some tools i realize can do the same job like the other, so i figured rather than having two separate tools for the same job is not practical. the 4 tools from the left are all hand made. i built them using different materials left to right: pattern knife, english paring knife, roung awl with an exotic wood handle and a free hand stitch groover. steel i got in the groover as blade needs no sharpening. just run it unto a strop and its back in action. i will try to post pix of the results of the groove cuts it makes. it has one fixed blade but can make 2 sizes of channels 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch. its really cool! been using it for 5 months now it still seving me well! thanks! enjoy!
hi everyone! after a several months of trial and error. lots of steel variety. i got down to finally making it. the english style paring knife i am dying to build for months to assist me in my paring edges for folding. the building stage lead me as well to practice and hone my skills at paring which is not soooo easy. been playing with the right blade angle and bevel angle. i have to hone it, sharpen it by hand to get the exact angle that will help ease the cutting. i have to put a flex on it so you can really dig in flat when the hand is elevated when final skewing is needed. lessons learned: the angle and bevel will play a great role on the kind and types of leather you will pare or skive. the edge i put on this knife is kinda in between that it will pare very thin leathers like exotics and up to the veg and chromed tanned leathers. some leathers needs a different specific angle. i really thought before that paring knives used by book binders will do. but i was surprised it didn't. most of the knives they use are for soft leathers and already thinner than the reular ones we buy. the more i practiced paring the more i realized that the anlge of the bevel and blade is relative to the style of paring especially to the elevation of the hand. i pare really low when i started so it is easier for me to make the bevel i wanted. hope you guys can post your paring knives too. i built two of this and sold the other to a friend who happen to drop by my shop at home. i have enough steel to last me several years building them. thanks all!------ritch
hello i will check in my stock of for sale tools so i can give youi the list of what's is left here. some of the hand tools are sold long ago, like the stitch groover, and swivel knife. the craftool rivet set is still here. its the black box in the middle photo. as far as i can remember. the cs osborne #2 edger is still available i just saw it yesterday in my inventory. i just relocated and i have to fix things here and organizer stuff at home. all i am sure is available are the stamp tools. let me know what youi need and wha tyoiu want to buy in the tools listed so i can prepare them and give youi a total quote including shipping to turkey. thanks!
thanks guys! i will look into these suggestions. really appreciate it!
hi again by the way does anyone know if men's fine leather wallets use thin cardboard to hold the shape of the bodies? i am looking for leather supplier that can supply the appropriate leather thickness for fine leather wallets. i have been hellbent to make them and stay from making the thick and bulky biker wallets. i have so many orders of fine leather wallets compared to the trucker and biker style. i think if i pin all of these problems down and nail the design of a simple one i might be able to start a small source of income in this area. thanks in advance. pls. everyone i need suggestions.
hi guys i have been making biker wallets and have the urge to make fine leather wallets for men. i like to know what is the size of the interiors should be against let say a 4 inch height and 8 .5 inch length of outside body when opened? i notice that the wallet no matter what style i tried opens up by itself when yo close it even without cards and cash inside. what should my interior size be to avoid this? shortetror longer than the body? thanks your suggestions and ideas are deeply appreciated. thanks!
hi i have been in the same kinda situation like you few months back this year. i bought so many tools and some with so many wrong makers and most of it in the production line. first, tell us what kinda tools are you looking for to upgrade? leatherworking hand tools or carving tools. i myself upgraded in both. i bought so many tools when i was starting working with leather and thought if i had all the tools i see online which most are production made(taiwan or china made) i figured i got it made. but to my surprise paying less for crappy tools will not help you save money coz in the end you still would want good tools where you will really see the difference for yourself once you get around leather working for several years. good tools for cutting hold their edge longer so that lessens your task form honing blades that you might end up reprofiling the edge and its ability to cut really well. if you take leather as a hobby and you would not be a full time worker, you can settle with mid priced tools, osbornes are great to start with and they last. i have been leather working for a little less than 10 years and i have learned that as you become more immersed in this kinda craft you look for tools and good tools that will do the job that you are asking for. makes life easier. and good tools with good quality are worth well the investment since it will last you a long time and resale value is ok. i invested in french made Blanchard tools for hand tools, stitching and other leather work. they are not too many since they are quite expensive. on the carving tools, i am blessed to have been given my first set of sheridan carving tools modified by my mentor from original craft tools that were made in the USA not the new ones that are produced in taiwan. you can try joseph dixon tools i think he is a member here. his tools are great! i plan to invest on some as well. hope this helps. good luck on your search for quality tools.
thanks mike. i figured this singer would work for leather also coz i have this cheapo chin made portable mini sewing machine. the one you buy out f tv shopping channels. it was on sale at that time so i thought i'd teach my self some basics using the machine for small fabric repairs. and last night i tried it bravely to sew just stitches on a 1/8 inch leather belt with its stock fabric needle and it did sew quite well. the problem is after a while the machine starts to complain after long slow runs. i tried a skived down genuine ostrich skin about 1/8 thick folded after i hand skived the edges and it did stitch it up to decently. again it stopped as the needle keeps getting stuck. so i figured if i have a bigger home machine with the right needle i can stitch these types of leather since its thin even when its folded at the edge. so i went to our storage room and found my mom's old singer and asked her if its working she called and said it does it only needs a needle. since i dont have access to a needle last night around midnight. i figured i find me a leather needle and concluded in a way that if my cheapo mini machine can do it on a 1/8 leather why not try this old disc o matic since i will be making small porjects jsut cloth lining and just the leather folded edges. i really appreciate the reply will search online more suppliers. thanks again!
hi guys i have been in a rut and have no choice but to use a sewing machine for stitching especially the cloth lining i am going to use on wallet projects. i have been making wallets biker style but the thing is most complaints and feedbacks i got are the wallets are nice and all but its just too thick. i have redesigned the card slots to become thinner but still its just not thin enough even after using 1mm leather. after redesigning how pockets are assembled i have come to a conclusion that in order to achieve the thin look like fine leather men's billfold i have to use cloth backing or lining. my mom gave me her old Singer disc-o-matic II sewing machine. it looks ok but how can i also use it for leather for fine stitching besides sewing cloth lining? i googled for needles that will work for all type of leathers and i came up with campbell-randall, but the thing is most of their needle inventory for leather are for different brand of machines, no singer brand. can anyone pls. point me to where i can buy needles for sewing leather that will work with my old singer, and what size of needle and matching thread size for leather that have folded edge about 1.5 to 2 mm folded edge thickness. thanks in advance!
just curious as i look at the pic and i cant figure out how he stitche the sides it seems that the stitches doesnt go thru the sides from the front panel. maybe its inside? i am looking based on the pic and i cant see any stitches showing at all on the side panels. the case looks great give it a go. i have the stohlman books on cases and stitching luke was suggesting its a great book and you get to make one project and if you analyze the techniques on a certain [roject it applies to all projects in the future. great way to earn fundamentals in making cases and stitching. you learn something and next time without the book you can apply teh ways to do them and make your own. get the book jazznow and give the camera case a go. would love to see you post it here. goodluck!
hi Ray here in the philippines there is a glue here used and is i think the cornstarch thing we are talking about here. i remember making them as glue to use for covering my school books. its like goo when mixed with boiling water. it has a whitish tansparency characteristic and is like a white slime same stuff you see on rubber trees and sticks up and hardens after application. its easy as one two three to make as it comes in powdered form and just mix it with boiling H20. but its not basically cornstarch. it just happens to look like one so people here call it cornstarch when they talk about it. its old school stuff and my grandma used to use it a lot on fabrics when i spent time at here home. very common here.