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Justis Cases

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About Justis Cases

  • Birthday 06/23/1939

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    South Florida

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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. Looks like scaring of some kind that you usually see on very low grade imported hides. If you want better leather consider Wickett & Craig. Even their lowest grade would be much better.
  2. Contact cement the edges to hold everything in place and then machine stitch.
  3. If its not the same leather, what does Wickett & Craig do to make it so special and more expensive? The whole "drop ship" thing is what I don't understand. Instead of promoting Siegel Fine Leathers and shipping from your own location, it appears that your just a salesman for Wickett & Craig which is not a bad thing at all.
  4. It appears he's not giving up just yet but I don't understand why he expects anyone will order leather from him when it has to be drop shipped from another source. Just call Glen Prout direct at 800-TANNERY and order 1 or 100 sides direct.
  5. Greetings from Siegel of Caliofnria, Inc Contact Information: siegel.leather@gmail.com (emails are checked every hour) After 84Years of servicing the leather trade, Siegel of California is closing it’s doors effective 3/2/11. This has been an incredibly difficult decision prompted by both personal and economic strains. My recent stay in the hospital shows just what a toll this has all taken on me. I need to find a different avenue to use my skills and knowledge that I have built through my 60 years of life. Thus I will be starting a new relationship soon where I can better serve my customers. My customers have been the heart of my business and I look forward to a continuing relationship with them. I look forward to this new relationship where I will be able to have a more focused approach and leave behind the day to day intricacies of managing employees. For Example: Our California Double Tanned Skirting, recognized by many as the nicest skirting on the market will still be available, produced the same way per our exclusive arrangement with Wickett & Craig at $159.00/side. For now, it would be best to email me with any orders as I will still be intricately involved in the leather's standards. The leather will be shipped from Wickett in PA, but our company has developed standards for selection which we will be communicating to Wickett. You will be hearing more about this from me soon so watch your inbox! I owe thanks to all of my loyal customers who have stood by us for the last 84 years. With Warmest Wishes, Steven Siegel, CEO Siegel of California, Inc siegel.leather@gmail.com s.siegel@siegelofca.com
  6. If your interested in earning some extra money and can do this quality of work or better, please contact me.
  7. This is one of our cases tooled by Ron Ross.
  8. happy birthday young man

  9. Hello, thanks for stopping by my profile.

  10. Here's one we just finished.
  11. Justis Cases

    Boot inlays

  12. Weldwood original in the red and yellow can from Home Depot or Lowes.....will do anything that Barge does at half the price. The only people that might not agree with are the ones with a shelf-full of Barge that they need to use up.
  13. This is a case made for one of my customers in Michigan and one of the first cases complemented by Redding tooling. The diamond inlays are elephant/lizard.
  14. Brittany is one of Canada's up and coming pool players.
  15. Hi Greg, Remember when you did my first web site???
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