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Posts posted by HandyAndy

  1. We once made a prosthetic boot with a sole made of tire tread for a man who was terrified of falling down in a store with smooth floors. We made a strap for a one-armed baseball pitcher to help him get his glove on faster. I have made several collars to keep dogs from bothering a healing wound, and I have made breastplates so dogs didn't get gored by wild boars. Jon once fashioned a toilet seal out of veggie tanned because he didn't want to be bothered driving 50 miles to a hardware store. To be fair, I wasn't home, but it was our only toilet. I sewed a thousand elk teeth on an Indian dress once, then danced at the wedding pow wow. Good topic Barra, brings back some memories!


    Requesting pictures of the dog armor! :P

  2. Sorry about the cruddy cellphone photos.

    First off, some sheaths...


    a bracer...



    and the good part.

    So I finally attempted a large scale project, a saddle bag for my Honda Ruckus. It was about 8"X10"X5" and I dyed it with vinegaroon and I was very pleased with how it turned out.


    I was going to take a picture of it on my scooter but about half a day after I put it on someone stole it! I guess it must be pretty good if someone wanted it enough to steal it.





  3. I've seen a few wrestling masks and they all seem to be made out of spandex and/or vinyl. They don't offer any kind of protection at all. I don't think anyone who wrestles would think otherwise, but you had probably better make sure that your client understands that before he gets in the ring.

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