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    Southeast Texas
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    Hunting, Fishing,

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  1. That link does help Halitech, thanks. I need a piece to practice on I guess. I have the band made now and its ready to lace but I am a little hesitant. so in off to practice.
  2. Thanks for the tips guys...I think the round braid looks better but its a little intimidating. I'm going to give it a try though.. I will have to do some serious research on it .
  3. I have a couple of question on the double loop and I hope I can describe them well enough. If not, I can take a picture. 1. Can you do the double loop on an inside corner as in if I were lacing down this L and then start to the right and continue on? 2. Can you just abruptly end the double loop? I have gone around something {wallet} and undid a loop where I started and tied it in that way but was wondering how to end it if you just get to a point and stop. I want to do a wide watch band that tapers down for the buckle and figure its not going to buckle very well with lacing around where the buckle attaches so I was thinking about stopping the lacing at some point that would be under the wrist but still allow the buckle to be without lace. Thanks
  4. That may be man....Great work still.
  5. Great work !!!! I kept referring to your pictures when I was lacing my wallet....I have a long way to go but this inspires!!!
  6. I've been lurking here long enough so I signed up last night. Tons of info here for a newbie like myself so thanks to everyone for sharing their years of experience!!
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