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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    leather tooling
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  1. I have a old saddle I am rebuilding that has a wade style tree. I need to raise the cantle height 2 inches. can anyone tell me how I would do that? Thanks for any help or experience anyone would be willing to share.
  2. Hello Tim, I was asking about the 9 plait braid. Thank you very much for the help and a very nice tutorial I really appreciate it. Festus
  3. Hello roo4u, Thanks a bunch for the tutorial. That is a neat braid. Thanks,
  4. festus

    flat braiding

    Hello roo4u, Yes I would very much like to learn that braid. I would really appreciate a tutorial on that. Thank you very much Festus
  5. festus

    flat braiding

    How do you braid an 8 or 9 plate flat braid? I am trying to make a flat braided dog collar. Thanks for any experience you would be willing to share with me.
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