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  1. Brass vs Steel? What do you use, why? What is the best?
  2. Hi, I'm looking to get the right leather and right thickness to make wallets. I have looked online, but my suppliers pricelist is confusing me. I have attached it. Here is their website pricelist http://www.leatherite.co.za/Portals/0/Documents/PriceLists/LeatherPriceList.pdf Would veg tan 1mm be the best option: Kip Back (± 150 dm²) – 1 – 3.5 mm Want to make a wallet like this:
  3. Hi, I'm new to working with leather and about to start my first project. I'm trying to do some costing on a pair of shoes I want to make to figuire out what the exact input cost will be. This is what I have in mind (see below). How many pairs of shoes can one make on average with a piece of leather 1 meter by 1 meter (3.2 foot by 3.2 foot). Any guidance will be much appreciated
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