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About lionscrest

  • Birthday October 6

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    benton illinois
  • Interests
    All things leather mostly belts and wallets

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search

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  1. Does anyone have any experience with kickstarter campaigns that could give advice as how to run a successful campaign.
  2. Does anyone have any experience with kickstarter campaigns that could give advice as how to run a successful campaign.
  3. http://www.lismoresheepfarmwoolshop.com/needles/conversions.htm
  4. It is indeed a mini5 tool and beveler
  5. Does anyone have any idea as to how this weave is created I found it very interesting and I have never seen it before.
  6. Does anyone know if there is a list published anywhere that lists the tools required to complete a certain craftaid BEFORE ordering it I am just starting out with leather working and would like to know if when I order a craftaid that I will have the required tools needed to complete it if not I can order them at the same time as the craftaid.
  7. Add me please Johanna thanks bunches Add me please Johanna thanks bunches
  8. lionscrest


    Are there any leather guilds or clubs in the southern half of Illinois?
  9. Right now I am accumulating the basic tools I do not at this time plan on getting into Tooling I do want to do some basket weave style stuff not I ready to do any Sheridan type Tooling(I wish) so pricking irons,punches,skivers,setters,strap cutters just to basics to complete a few projects and generate cash flow. I figure to purchase materials and hardware on an as needed basis to build an inventory. Thanks for your reply and any advice would be warmly accepted. God bless the USA
  10. I am a veteran living on disability and wanting to get back into the world of leather to supplement my income. Does anyone know where I can purchase used tools as I am starting on a shoestring budget.
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