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  1. What are the differences between the Adler 267, 667 and 867? Is the Adler 667 or 867 the current version of the 267 ? I want to get an Adler flat bed for leatherwork. Thank you for your help
  2. is the Sunstar KM 640 a Juki 341 clone? If not, which machine is it a clone of?
  3. Thank you. Much appreciated!
  4. The bobbin case on the Cobra Class 26 and the Juki LS-1341 are different. On the Cobra class 26 the bobbin case stays on the machine; the user only removes the bobbin itself. On the Juki LS-1341 both the bobbin case and the bobbin are removed to replace the bobbin. So, which machine is the Cobra Class 26 bobbin a clone of? It is not a clone of the Juki LS-1341 since the bobbin assembly is different.
  5. I have a pair of brand new Amy Roke pliers for sale. I bought two pairs, thinking my wife would want her own, but as it turned out she does not want one.... So my loss is your luck because these are brand new. I use mine and she did not even touch hers.... Comes with the leather wraps. Never used. $98 including shipping to US mainland. Shipped from Arizona alain@beautiful-landscape.com
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