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Everything posted by Bmetalwear

  1. I have a singer post sewing machine 51w54 and doesn’t look nothing like that. If it is indeed a 51w54 then it looks to be missing some parts in front like the bottom thread roller and the felt pad retainer finger.
  2. All my pictures are over 1.46mb I don’t know how to upload them. Ugh
  3. I have several parts that go on a Rapid Shoe Machine clicker machine model “C” I believe. All parts are in very good condition. I’d love to know what they all would be worth. The list is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1. A Westinghouse motor with the belt shaft. 2. 2 long belts for motor and flywheel. 3. Flywheel 4. 40x20 table with red cutting pad 5. Back debris catcher
  4. I just inherited a ton of leathercrafting supplies and tools for my business and I have been trying to understand these box of dies. There must be over 100 different United carr dies for either line 16, line 20 and line 24 snaps but there’s a few others I have no idea what it’s used for. Anyone out there that can help?
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