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About hivemind

  • Birthday 08/02/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central NY, USA
  • Interests
    Games, IT, my wife, LARP,

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Sighthound Collars & LARP/SCA/Armor
  • Interested in learning about
    Oh hell, everything but saddles and chaps I suppose...
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google! :)

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  1. Bottom is a 4" diameter circle. Top is probably 14"-15" in circumference.
  2. Alternately, get some beeswax, then get a used crock pot from goodwill, put the wax in, when it's fully liquid, start stuffing scales in. Leave each one in until it stops bubbling, then remove it with some tongs, and give it a little shape with your hands (wear gloves, they're hot), then let them cool. Hard like wood. Don't leave them in long enough to scorch, experiment with scrap first.
  3. Anytime! Maybe I'll make another one for something else... Belt pouch maybe?
  4. Just finished this. Like always, it's made to the customer's dimensions, and my wife-size mannequin is swimming in it. 15oz vegetable tanned leather, Fiebing's medium brown dye, Master spray shine finish. Nickel plated brass hardware and latigo strapping. The lion on the chest is a belt buckle that I ground the belt bits off of the back of, and soldered on a couple copper rivets. The design is the customer's, I'd never have made armor that closes in the back, but hey, his drawings didn't show any closures on the front or sides, sooo....
  5. Looks like a frog! Onward and upward!
  6. No problem man, glad it's helpful.
  7. The sword has a Mandrake rubber stabbing tip. It's only 6-7oz leather, so no real protection either - it's purely aesthetic (and convenient). I plan to also make a seax in a sheath as a backup weapon.
  8. I made a scabbard for my SCA rattan sword. Kind of a proof of concept to see if I want to keep making them.
  9. It's all minimum 12oz vegetan for the black parts. The floating joints and some of the strapping is done with some gold garment leather, maybe 4oz. Cape is a reindeer fur - there's a guy selling them on eBay for $90 shipped, which is less than I paid for one a few years ago from Moscow Hide and Fur. Thanks for looking.
  10. Some armor I'm working on for one of my guys. Torso finished: Obviously, he's larger than my wife, who's modeling it. And his fur cape is done too:
  11. Sword/axe frogs Small hard pouches Collars Eyepatches Mugs
  12. You do the best stuff...
  13. I have some 5-button boots from him, been fighting in them for a few years now, still awesome.
  14. hivemind

    Axe Masks

    I heard the SCA does some throwing axe competitions, so I got my old Ragnar's Ragweed Forge franciscas out, gave them a quick polish on the buffer, and made masks for them:
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