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Status Updates posted by hivemind

  1. Yeah yeha... Remember how wonderful your weather is when you fall into the ocean.

    1. Spinner


      Been there done that...except it was just me and not the whole state. ;)

  2. Why did I wait this long to buy a sewing machine?

  3. I can't wait 'till mine's out of the house...

  4. Doh! My subscription had expired on Christmas day! Remember, this site isn't free - make sure you donate! $25 won't break anyone, and bandwidth isn't getting any cheaper.

    1. bkingery


      I wanna know how ya made it a whole week, I'd have been in the funny farm

  5. What do you need to know bro?

  6. Just found your entire gallery. Super clean work! Bravo!

  7. Thanks for getting rid of that Facebook status widget. I'm a Facebook hater. :|

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