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Everything posted by Bindlund

  1. I have 11 sq. ft. of W&C Med- Brown Traditional Harness Leather. This is W&C's top tier leather, with little to no blemishes or markings. Shipping to U.S. only. Buyer pays shipping. Contact me if interested. philliphedlund@gmail.com Selling for $110 plus shipping
  2. I have 12.5 sq. ft. of W&C English Bridle Leather. This is W&C's top tier leather, with little to no blemishes or markings. Shipping to U.S. only. Buyer pays shipping. Contact me if interested. philliphedlund@gmail.com Selling for $120 plus shipping
  3. I have 8.5 sq. ft. of W&C Traditional Harness Leather. This is W&C's top tier leather, with little to no blemishes or markings. Shipping to U.S. only. Buyer pays shipping. Contact me if interested. philliphedlund@gmail.com Selling for $80 plus shipping.
  4. I have 9 sq. ft. of W&C Traditional Harness Leather. This is W&C's top tier leather, with little to no blemishes or markings. Shipping to U.S. only. Buyer pays shipping. Contact me if interested philliphedlund@gmail.com Selling for $90 plus shipping
  5. im not seeing a button for edits.. can you point me in the right direction?
  6. I will make the adjustments, thanks for the feedback
  7. super nice, sharp, barely used. ready to ship $180 shipped
  8. sharp - nice -ready to ship - good condition $200 shipped
  9. Pretty much brand new, used for 6 months for my product for a local market. Havent used it since. comes with: machine, handle, rest and fileteuse head $290 shipped
  10. BD2A424B-053C-4DFF-B9F5-964689B6FCFD.heic
  11. Selling as a set. #1mm #2mm #3mm. These beautys are some of my favorite. You will not find these anywhere else. I ordered these from japan, they're beautiful, sharp as hell and ready to ship. $180 for all three (shipped) 0BB69101-C680-481C-84CD-3F227B5ECC60.heic 5969F9FF-C372-4EE3-847C-5AA89071B7D8.heic
  12. Pretty much brand new, sharp and ready $40 Shipped 12544275-44EA-4385-82C8-B9E1B78FF1BA.heic
  13. Oval punch in good condition $45 shipped 9C689586-FBBE-48ED-9F80-1024F8B8882D.heic
  14. Barely used, pretty much brand new- skiver knife by: Chartermade - Handmade by Terrick in South Africa $160 Shipped 84F6D788-F541-4719-82AC-CCF3F6AE4F67.heic
  15. Hello Everyone, thanks for checking out this listing. I am moving another direction in my leather work and am needing a different sewing machine. I have this one timed perfectly and the tension for the top and bottom thread is superb. I am located in Springfield, MO. Willing to pack and ship at buyers expense. Serious inquiries only please. Email me with any questions for a quicker response at philliphedlund@gmail.com. Read on for whats included!
  16. TinkerTailor- Thats a great idea! thanks for the advice! I did solve my problem. Turned out it was my chisel that was doing the damage. I went into my leather supplier and asked tons of questions to as what could be causing the blowout. One guy there, out of 4 people, asked which chisel I was using. I was using an osborne 700 chisel, which is great, but it gets wider as it goes away from the point, that extra thickness of the stem of each point created the blowout. He ended up letting me use one of his personal chisels that got the job done. Attached are photos of the two. Left is the osborne 700. Thank You everyone! Here is the photo mentioned above
  17. I havent applied any finish to the leather yet. I usually use aussie leather conditioner after I get done sewing up the sides. Thats funny that you've had that happen before to herman oak leather, I thought it was a high quality leather.
  18. Today I was making a laptop case from 6/7 ounce veg tan herman oak. I used masters contact cement to glue the fold over body of the case. After marking my lines where I want my stitch, I punched my holes as usual. The side where I made my holes with a 5 prong punch tool, (sharpened with jewelers rouge) before hand, so my tool was sharp. After stitching up one side of the case, I noticed that the thread was going underneath the stitch line on the opposite end, like the punch on the opposite end blew out. Does anyone know why this might have happened? Right now Im using a polyurethane cutting board. Im wandering if the density of the cutting board doesn't allow for the tool to penetrate the leather fluidly through both sides of the 6/7 ounce veg tan. Anyone have any ideas or advice? Thanks attached is a photo
  19. Thanks you guys. Turns out Eco-Flow water based isn't the best stuff. I re-sprayed with fiebings dark brown oil based and looks much more even. Thanks for the tips and tricks guys, definitely good advice to store away for next time
  20. I bought a fine mist sprayer to apply the eco-flo water stain to my veg tan. The fine mist sprayer is inconsistent in its spraying pattern. some build up in spots, more so than others in the spray pattern. Plus using the fine mist sprayer your arm gets tired especially doing a large piece because you have to constantly squeeze the trigger. anyhow, i finished spraying it, ran out of dye, 3/4 way through the project, so I wiped the dye in one motion, now I have streaks. Anyway to fix this? Products? Process? In the photo shown is what it looks like now, with dye and the box pattern flattened out
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