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spectre6000 started following Silk Thread/Cord/Yarn , An actual Leather Conditioner recipe and Thread Strength Comparison Test
I'm trying to avoid plasticky finishes. Re-waxing from time to time is acceptable for the project (reproduction of an 85 year old horsehide jacket). You seem to have a good understanding of how the various oils and waxes interact with each other. My assessment is beeswax, cocoa (pretty hard), some liquid oil (thinking jojoba because of the longer saturated carbon chains, and I have a bottle somewhere), and carnauba as the modifier. Percentages are where some experience I don't have would be helpful. Being able to get it applied is obviously important. Not being greasy and leaching oil is also very important. Getting a waxy sheen is a goal.
@ScottWolf, I've been coloring/darkening some plain veg tan milled hides in the sun for the last few days, and I'm going to need to condition them in the end to make up for the damage. The application will be a leather jacket, and I'm hoping to be able to leave behind a bit of a waxy/glossy sheen. What combination/ratio of ingredients would you suggest to mix up for this?
The beeswax percentage is pretty constant, I just kinda mix and match the oils as needed. If I want more of a sheen, I go for one of the shorter chain oils like flax that will polymerize (lately I've been using walnut, because I have a can of it in my fridge I want to use up). Canola turns out to be good for a dark color for some reason I honestly don't understand, but scroll up for the evidence. Olive oil is a good middle ground for general lubricity with lots of historical precedent and success. So, for instance, I've been doing a lot of really dark treatments with lots of sun, and I'll give it a straight wipe down with canola only, no wax (it's always thirsty up front). Then, depending on whether I'm after something like a belt that is meant to be seen, or a tool roll that's more about utility, I'll do an olive/flax blend or just olive oil with the beeswax. Lubricity between the fibers is important, and that's why we oil leather in the first place, so I always use probably at least half olive oil. Mix only as much as you need, but don't worry too much about it. It's not like paint or something in terms of color matching. You just don't want a giant jar that'll turn on you if it takes years to get through it. I usually make about 1-2oz at a time, and just melt it all down in the microwave. The end result is kinda like Burt's Bees lip balm in consistency. You want sort of a paste that you can rub in. The heat from your hands melts the wax enough that it'll work into the pores. If you get too much, it'll leave a waxy buildup behind. Just brush it off, or hit it with a hair dryer for a little more heat to melt in in a bit deeper.
I did an experiment with carbon black and shellac. It was mostly for woodworking, but I threw a spit coat on some leather because it was there too. Cracked badly and predictably, but messing around with patent leather type finishes is a thought in the back of my brain. I have all the materials, just not the time, space, or really a use case (what would I use patent leather for?).
Woof. Necro thread. I haven't been to this forum at all in nearly that entire time to boot. I got a notification email though, and my password still works, so cool! The good news, I suppose, is that you got my attention. More good news is that I might actually still have those samples kicking around. The bad news is that I moved since then, and the house I live in now is experiencing some extremely major repair issues. The box those samples would be in is DEEPLY buried in storage at the moment. I can say that the last time I saw them (more this side of the timeline than my last post), they had darkened up a bit with age with some of the lighter samples sort of evening out (the oiled section didn't get darker at the same rate maybe?), and there was no smell other than just leather. I don't recall any bloom whatsoever either. Here's the really good news though... I made up a large batch of the final oil/wax mixture, and it became my default finish treatment. The belt I wear every day gets a touch up once a year/when it occurs to me and I have the time (nowhere near once a year if I'm being honest). By the time I eventually used up the first jar I made, it smelled... compromised. Rancid probably isn't exactly the right word, but it was clear the fatty acids were breaking down and oxidizing. I still used it, and once applied, the smell went away. Never was an issue. The whole thing about those aromatic compounds is that they're volatile (which is why they get in the air to where you can smell them), and so they dissipate quickly and leave the good stuff behind. I further went on to experiment with coloring the leather with UV using the oil/wax as a color enhancer. Most of my projects are a deep mahogany brown as a result of the two in combination. The results of this experiment were that I got a great education on oils and waxes, and I now have a go-to homemade, tunable finish. Hopefully, that's a satisfying enough answer. When I get my office back, hopefully I'll remember about this thread when I stumble upon that box, and post back. If not, necro post again, and maybe I'll get an email!
I've also done some UV exposure testing on vegetable tanned leather, but not thread. The testing is all done (nearly 60 full days' worth), I just haven't done anything with the samples yet (they're all packed into the same spare room for forgetting purposes). I'm not sure exactly how you would do a realistic abrasion test for thread. It doesn't seem as simple as just taking sandpaper to it... There is an industrial standard, so someone has already figured it out, but I've not looked into it at all. Linen was the clear natural fiber winner for strength, which I know won't come as much of a surprise to some, but now there's actual context and some idea of relativity. This is pure conjecture, and as demonstrated above, is apparently not my strong suit with this sort of thing, but I think since linen thread is used in shoes, it's probably pretty decent on the abrasion side of things. I think I read that it has good uv, abrasion, and mildew (for another testable element) resistant properties, but that may or may not have involved waxing...
Premise: Part of my attraction to leather and leatherwork is that it's a natural material. Sewing it together with plastic thread sorta defeats the purpose in my view. I did a ton of research a while back into various natural fiber thread options, and, as I'm sure many of you are at least peripherally aware, there's not a ton of really solid info out there and it's in a huge variety of non-correlated terms and units. So, I did a little leg work, made a bunch of phone calls, ran all over town, ordered a few things online, and came up with a wide variety of threads to test, then sat on it for a few months, then moved the pile to an unused room because I needed the space, then eventually forced myself to scratch it off the to-do list. Methodology: Pretty simple really... I tied a bucket to a pry bar without any sharp bends in the knot, suspended that on a fender stand, then slowly filled the bucket with nuts and bolts out of my spare/used hardware bucket one small handful at a time with a healthy pause in between. Once the thread broke, I weighed it on a calibrated scale (.25# granularity), and recorded the result. Repeat down the list. Subjects: I was primarily interested in silks, because I thought that was most likely to be the strongest natural fiber I could get my hands on. I couldn't find reference to silk being used in leatherwork beyond aesthetic embellishment, but also couldn't find any reason for that to be the case. It's a commodity fiber, and not a cheap one, so my suspicion was that it was just too expensive and variably priced to gain much traction in industry, and thereby hobby-land. Since cost is not in my top XXX consideration list, it didn't seem a deterrent. I located a silk importer (one of the very few in the country happens to be semi-local to me!), and got a bunch of samples. I also tried "beading silk"; a lower overall quality, but more uniform industrially produced product. Unfortunately, it's difficult to impossible to find in larger quantities, but I figured I could track back to the producer if it was worth it. I obtained a variety of linen threads of various numbers of cords, and both Barbour and generic. I also gathered the stand-bys, nylon and poly, in 69, 92,138, and 207. I ran across a small spool of Kevlar in my hunting, so scooped it up for giggles. Hypothesis: My sincere hope was that one of the silks I could get my hands on in nominal quantities would be on par with the poly threads (the presumed non-Kevlar strongest). I really had no idea, just a hope. I expected the linen to be fairly mild. Nylon was expected to be a bit stronger than the polyester. I thought Kevlar would blow them all out of the water. Fortunately, the experiment was structured such that my pre-conceived biases had no effect... because I was pretty much wrong across the board! Results: Doing my best to recreate the spreadsheet here... Thread-------------------------------------------Breaking Point (LBS)--------Notes Kevlar.................................................................2.............................................Very fine, guessing ~38 #1 Silk................................................................4 Slik "Lixue"........................................................4 #2 Silk...............................................................6.75........................................Guessing ~92 thickness equivalent 69 Polyester......................................................8.5 69 Nylon...........................................................8.75 #3 Silk THEORETICAL.....................................9 Silk "Chilali".....................................................9...............................................~138? Silk "Neva"......................................................10.5 92 Nylon..........................................................10.75 4-Cord Unbranded Linen................................11 92 Polyester.....................................................11.75 #4 Silk..............................................................12 3-Cord Barbour Linen THEORETICAL.............14.25 5-Cord Unbranded Linen.................................15.75 138 Polyester...................................................15.75 138 Nylon........................................................17.25 Waxed Nylon? 3-Cord (leftover Tandy?).........19.5 4-Cord Barbour Linen.....................................19.5 207 Nylon.......................................................20.25 207 Polyester.................................................21 6-Cord Unbranded Linen..............................24 5-Cord Barbour Linen...................................25 6-Cord Barbour Linen...................................32.25 Conclusions: Like I said... It's a good thing I checked, because pretty much everything I expected to happen wasn't even close! I wasn't able to get my hands on #3 silk very easily for some reason, so I calculated a curve across the other numbered silks, and that's roughly where it should fall. I did the same calculation for the 3-Cord Barbour Linen (used to test something else a while back, and I only had about 6"), and checked my % delta against a published tensile strength chart, and was within 7%. With a sample size of one and so few data points to fit the curve to, I figure that's not too bad. I was super shocked by the Kevlar... I thought that would require a bigger bucket (and even switched to a bigger bucket in anticipation), but it didn't like it at all... I tried a second time, and had the exact same result. Both times broke at the knot, and it was the finest thread I tested, so that could have something to do with it. I had a ton of other exotic silks and silk-animal fiber blends (including camel and yak just because I happened upon them) blends, but they were all so weak that I didn't really feel it was worth boring anyone with extra lines on the spreadsheet. The unbranded linen was supposed to be at least as good as the Barbour, which has supposedly gone way downhill and is made in China or some such now, whereas the unbranded stuff is Ukrainian or something... Nope. You get what you pay for there. Sometimes the markup is for marketing, sometimes it's for quality. This is the latter case. Application: If I need big strength in a small package, it looks like I'm using Nylon. If I need strength with UV resistance, it's polyester. I thought Nylon and polyester would be a little different in strength, but they're neck and neck the whole way. The silk was a total bust, so that rabbit hole will be filled in. For most things, I see people/companies using 92 or 138 threads, and the 3-Cord Barbours falls right in the middle there without being too visually obtrusive, so that looks like what I'll be using for the most part going forward! I shared this because, while most probably won't wade through all my floral prose, it might help some like minded person down the road not have to go through such a task. At least it's all now in the same place in the same units with the same methodology for relative comparison. Enjoy.
The stuff I have here is equivalent to about size 277 thread (0.60mm), and heavier is available. If it's a matter of perceived availability or perceived cost, that would make sense, but I can't find anything suggesting any other reasons it's not commonly used. Admittedly, I'm grasping at straws for those reasons... It doesn't seem to be in most people's consciousness in the first place beyond rare and fleeting examples of decorative embroidery-type stuff on the sort of high end stuff where decorative embroidery type stuff is a thing.
Too heavy how?
I have some silk thread that's slightly thinner than 3-cord linen (which I also have on hand along with similar thicknesses of polyester and nylon). Maybe a little thicker than #138 polyester. It looks and feels great. I talked to the local industrial sewing machine place, and the guy I talked to said machines should have no issues with it, but that he's never actually seen such thread in use (or at all). It's also worth noting he's a textbook salesman of the say-anything school. Is there any reason I can't find anything about silk being used to sew leather outside of rare decorative applications? Is it just cost, or is there any physical/mechanical reason no one uses it?
Trying to figure out the basics
spectre6000 replied to spectre6000's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
Read all of what you highlighted, and the next sentence. Focus on what I'm calling attention to about those sentences in the parentheses. I'm not interested in a particular machine, I'm interested in the differences between them and why they matter. Take one step back from the vantage point of "what are you wanting to sew?", and ask why that question matters and why you answer it the way you do. What do you know that allows you to answer the question that I don't know and is causing me to have to ask it? I want to see the forest, the trees don't matter. If I said "wallets", "belts", or "saddles" your answer would be "X", maybe "X" again, and "Y". In this case, the "X" and "Y" are incidental. Does not matter at all. I don't care if it's a Cowboy 4500, a Sailright Ultrafeed, or a Cuisinart. I want to know what it is that makes them viable answers to that question so that I can make my own informed decision. Really though, I'm obviously doing a terrible job trying to get the question across, because everyone is getting stuck on that. -
Trying to figure out the basics
spectre6000 replied to spectre6000's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
I never said the money was an issue. My budget is $what-the-right-tool-costs. I just saw a video with an unintentional closeup of the innards of a [name redacted because they're a forum sponsor, and I feel I've made enough bad waves already] machine. Between the poor casting quality of the housing, voids in some parts around the bobbin, what looked like either some pretty extreme wear or bad machining, and plating defects in a supposedly showroom new machine, I'm thinking hard about dropping the dime on a real Juki... That is, if I can lay eyes on the business bits of one to confirm that's not the case with the Juki. I told one of the guys on the phone that I'm more than willing to drop the extra dollar for quality. -
Trying to figure out the basics
spectre6000 replied to spectre6000's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
My budget has plenty of room for the Sailright, but I think I'd spring for a cylinder arm machine. I don't have any problem with a Cowboy 4500 collecting a little dust if it's the right tool for the job when I need it. I have a pretty expansive man cave(s). Fortunately, I've been down the road enough to KNOW that I only know enough to be dangerous. That's why I'm asking so many questions. Since it's finally a business day, I called a few dealers. I got a lot of questions answered, but I'm left with more than I started. The first decision point, as has been discussed here, is thickness of material. Beyond that, it's all just different flavors of popsicle and they'll all get the job done. I know there's considerably more nuance than that, but since any dealer only sells a line or two, they can't really offer much more. All of the heavier duty machines were Juki 441 clones, so that is a bit more apple to apple. Here's where things got confusing: As anticipated, when talking to salesmen you get all manner of different answers to the same questions. For instance, one guy said Jukis are still made in Japan, one said only certain models are (not including the 441), and one said they're all Chinese. One guy said there are no currently manufactured German machines. One guy said the medium duty machines were 0-3/8" and the heavy duty machines were 0-7/8" with total overlap, a few guys said the heavy duty machines were only good down to 3/16". One guy said the medium duty machines were only good to 3/8" IF most of that was "compressible" (like upholstery foam), and 3/8" veg tan would shut it down. Is there any light to be shed on any of these discrepancies? -
Trying to figure out the basics
spectre6000 replied to spectre6000's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
You're right about bumping heads. Thank you for listening to what I'm asking and responding thoughtfully and encouragingly. -
Trying to figure out the basics
spectre6000 replied to spectre6000's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
Seems you don't understand.... Everything you just said applies equally to cars, yet I just typed out a paragraph off the top of my head to roughly the effect I'm trying to achieve here. I think someone said something about a list of models back there, but it certainly wasn't me. For instance, cylinder and flatbed are maybe two TYPES of machines just like vans and trucks are two TYPES of cars.