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Everything posted by Seaboard

  1. Go with a VFD and it just needs to be sized to the next largest HP to cover the amp draw in the single phase conversion. Generally you would use a 7-1/2 HP drive on a 5 HP motor. Also depending on the HP of the clicker press motor you may be able to get away with using 110V input instead of 220V, but the later is better. Most of the VFD's sold now have all kinds of pre-programmed crap in them that you don't need but just stick to one that is able to do the single phase power in. You may want to check out the full load amps because they vary a bit between manufactures. Yaskawa makes a really nice one that is rated for higher amps but Square D has some simple ones as well as Lentz, Toshiba, etc. Hope that helps. Chris
  2. Check the freight carriers websites, most have cost estimators on them. Ship complete and have the customer do a pick up at the terminal and they will load it for them.
  3. You may want to check out www.ingramproducts.com under their tab for "Panel Temp Control". the little heater units and fans are used in industrial control panels to keep out condensation. They can be set up to 140 degrees F and depending on the size of the box you can wire them together. Also can look for panel heaters in your search engine of choice and come up with others that are all in one with heater and fan together and some with a higher watt output. We also used an old small refrigerator as an oven for welding rods to keep them dry, worked pretty good. Well insulated and some already have the light bulb socket inside. Good Luck Chris
  4. Welcome!
  5. Sorry guys not sure what is going on with my website other than upgrades to wordpress by the hosting company you should be able to go to: www.seaboardsolutionsgroup.com You can message me through the forum as well if you need anything. Again appreciate all that everyone contributes. Chris
  6. Hi all, I may be new to leatherwork but cutting plastics and materials is somewhat of a specialty for me. I currently have two CNC routers (4'x8' and 5'x10') that I use for sign production, templates, stencils and any other form of sheet good cutting. Unless you have very small holes, crevasses, etc. smaller than 1/16" then it can be cut on the router. Cast plexiglass can be edge flame polished if you need that smooth an edge but most don't it just happens to be a by product of the laser cutting. If anyone would like templates cut, please feel free to send me a message through here or my website with the design and I can see what I can do. Most of the times I have drops from sign jobs that I can cut the template out of and would be willing to work out a deal ( trades, barter, cash, etc.). I also have the software for converting JPEG, Bitmap, TIFF files into vectors files for cutting. If you don't have access to a computer my suggestion would be to take your hand drawn template to one of the big box office supply stores and have them run it through the scanner (which most of them can do up to 36" wide scans) and have it saved on a flash drive to be emailed by a friend or at the library. From that I can convert that into the vector image necessary for cutting. I also can do 3D cutting if you want to do wet forming molds or plastic logo stamps and such. I have started to learn so much from this site already and want to give back for everyone's generosity and kindness. Chris www.seaboardsolutionsgroup.com
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