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  1. Thanks Colt! Your piece was my inspiration for this project. I loved the look but couldn't find it to reference in this thread. lol I hope mine comes out half as nice! Thanks for all the pointers guys. I'll let you know how it comes out. Kraken Fan #69
  2. Was planning to use dye. I already have black and medium brown. Not the oil based kind. Except for the red on the cut lines. Not sure what is better there and haven't picked anything up yet. Was thinking I might be able to get the red in the cut line using a syringe. Or is that a fantasy? I did a pass on the Tandy website and didn't see anything called "Resist". Does it have another common name? Thanks again, Kraken Fan #69
  3. I am a newbie working on a small project that I want to add a bit of color to. I have done a very simple design and would like to add color to certain areas and am not sure the best way to go about it. I would like to color every other diamond black and the rest Brown. I would also like to add red to the score lines that make up the design as well. is there a preferred way to do this without getting my colors all mixed up? Thanks for any help guys! Kraken Fan #69
  4. Very slick. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Kraken Fan #69
  5. Thanks guys. I'll check Princess Auto out. Kraken Fan #69
  6. subbed for reference. Good work guys! Looking great! Kraken Fan #69
  7. Looking for infomation on the correct kind of wheel to use with a bench grinder to make a buffing wheel. I have a cheap 6" grinder that I was planing to convert to this task. i am not sure if there is an adapter needed, if there is a compund to add to the wheel or what. Does anyone have any links or relevant info in setting one up for polishing small wrist cuffs and such? Thanks, Kraken Fan #69
  8. Can I just say this was an awesome thread? The OP came here looking for a critique and ways to improve and got just that. The comments were concise and to the point with explanations and examples of the problems and ways to improve. The OP was receptive to the criticism and took it to heart. I'm loving this site. While I'm a total newbie and can't yet come close to the work the OP posted I can see I'm in the right place to lean. Kraken Fan #69
  9. Thanks for sharing! Great site and love the Field Notebook pattern!! Kraken Fan #69
  10. Thanks for sharing. Great pattern! Kraken Fan #69
  11. I would be interested in the PDF too if you can get posting it sorted. Thanks, Kraken Fan #69
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