1) Glue
I'm looking for a powerful glue that will bond somewhat quickly, that is somewhat flexible and waterproof. I'm currently using what seems to be rubber cement (from Tandy). When I bond with this cement, the grain side of the leather doesn't bond that well to another grain side side (flesh to flesh works wonders, however).
So you know, I'm pretty sure the process I'm using is the best, basically I coat both sides, wait until slightly tacky and then push together and hold firmly
What kind of glue/cement do you use and where do you get it?
2) Edge Coat
Also, I'm looking for a more robust edge coat than the yellow bottle of "edge kote" sold at tandy (only available in black and brown). I know there are better, more thicker edge coats that bond very well to edges of purses, wallets etc. Where can I get some of that? And in other colors?
Thanks all!