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    watch bands
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  1. The photo does not look like the thread is waxed. Anthony, did you find what you needed? I'm looking for teh exact same green as in that PAM photo. nice buckle too. Brett
  2. Sounds like I need to refine my process a bit and I should be set. I'll try this out tonight and tomorrow and see what I can do. Thank you Luke and Marlon!
  3. 1) Glue I'm looking for a powerful glue that will bond somewhat quickly, that is somewhat flexible and waterproof. I'm currently using what seems to be rubber cement (from Tandy). When I bond with this cement, the grain side of the leather doesn't bond that well to another grain side side (flesh to flesh works wonders, however). So you know, I'm pretty sure the process I'm using is the best, basically I coat both sides, wait until slightly tacky and then push together and hold firmly What kind of glue/cement do you use and where do you get it? 2) Edge Coat Also, I'm looking for a more robust edge coat than the yellow bottle of "edge kote" sold at tandy (only available in black and brown). I know there are better, more thicker edge coats that bond very well to edges of purses, wallets etc. Where can I get some of that? And in other colors? Thanks all! Brett
  4. So where do I buy this stuff??? The edge kote at Tandy isn't very durable and is very thin....
  5. I would be interested in learning more about this topic as well. Brent, I'm interested in watch straps too (my name is Brett). Have you any inspiration websites such as www.delaurian.com?
  6. Hi Kate, I'm using the eco stuff from my local tandy store... I think it's called Eco-flo? Brett
  7. Okay! I'll try wetting a little first, then make this ball of cotton and see what I can do! Thanks! I'll let you know how it all turns out...
  8. Hello everyone, I tried to put a bit of leather dye on my practice watch band last night. I applied the dye with a sponge to try and get an even coating. No matter what I did, I still got an uneven distribution of color on the leather. Should I apply more than one coat? what is the trick to make it look like it was originally that color? Is there a primer or something? Thank you! Brett
  9. rustynail


    You guys and gals are 2 for 2, and I'm betting you can deliver on this request as well: I'm looking for a resource that sells watch buckles other than what is on the www.watchprince.com (BTW, I dont have a tax id) Any ideas? I was hoping to choose from a wide selection. Thanks! Brett
  10. rustynail


    Well, I decided to wait to spend a lot of money on a knife. So, I went to the tandy store last friday and bought a new Al Stohlman head knife for $30. I spent about a half hour sharpening it as it didn't come sharp at all, and the initial grind from the factory was not very even. I decided that it would be a great first knife to practice sharpening and stropping etc. I also made a quick stropping board with some white jewlers chalk (also from Tandy) and a smooth piece of untreated leather glued to a small wooden scrap from home depot. I just bought a diamond hone from amazon and look forward to using that instead of the crappy stone I have now. However, after shapening the blade I was able to shave the hair off the back of my hand and my first cuts into leather were smooth and effortless. Now, one question, my stropping board gets a buildup of black stuff (metal?) and doesn't have an even surface any longer. Is this normal? thanks for all the help! Brett
  11. Hello, My name is Brett and I live in Northern California (Sacramento area). I'm a watch guy, and I started making watch bands about a month ago. I'm still working on my first one, but I've been busy with work and school so it's been a slow process. I bought a few books and spent my life savings (not really) at Tandy and still don't have all of what I need. (I think). After a few watch bands, I'm going to attempt a purse for my wife as a Christmas gift. Yikes! box stitch! photo of me and the wife attached
  12. rustynail


    TwinOaks, thanks! I'm going to try and get to Tandy this Friday and get that head knife. Now that I'm in the knife world, I gotta get a sharpening system. How about it? anyone have a good deal on a decent sharpening system? (I can see how this could get expensive!) Thanks in advance. Brett
  13. rustynail


    hi! I'm a new leatherworker and I'm looking for some good quality knives to skive, cut/trim and general purpose. I'd rather get high quality steel than have a replacement blade setup. Can anyone recommend a good shop online or in the northern CA area? Thanks, Brett
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