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Posts posted by budd4766

  1. Ok...finished a "PROTOTYPE" sheath, (so be gentle). It fits really tight...now...not sure if it'll stay that way once it's got some wear on it, but for now, it's good and tight.

    Also, I'm going to experiment with the vinegar/rusty nail concoction listed elsewhere on this forum for the next one I make. The black gel antique just doesn't cut it for me. Can't get an even coating out of it. I may switch to an more intricate braiding too. This one doesn't quite cover the 3 thicknesses of leather like I think it needs.

    Here's some pics.







  2. First rule of custom work..."Do what the customer asks".

    Don't complicate it, overthink it, or try to compensate. Make one as per the customer, let him try it out, use it for awhile. Tell him what you think will happen (you can do this before you make it, but they wont believe you), then let him come back and tell you if that's what he was wanting, or...make the changes you suggest.

    You can't use this approach with larger projects, but for a simple sheath with the potential for multiple orders, it's worth trying.

    Good advice, thanks!

  3. I'd had the same "magnet" thought, myself, and that's a suggestion I'm going to talk over with the guy, but from our last conversation, he doesn't want anything but a leather "cover" for the blade. Personally, I'd put a slanted strap over the edge and a snap, if it were my knife, but he doesn't want that.

    Right now, (and somebody please tell me if I'm on the right track), I'm thinking of:

    1. Cutting a piece of thick leather to fold over and lace for the sheath.

    2. Then, (may not be the correct term), "gouge" out the fold line on the inside (to help it fold flatter).

    3. Take a safety beveler and bevel each side of that fold line to form a wide "V".

    4. Bevel the edges to make them thinner on the "edge side" and leave the thickness in the part of the sheath that contacts the sides of the blade to make a friction "fit".

    I have to put a strip of leather in for the edge to slide down, and lace through all of it. Think that'd work?

    I'll post pics when I get one close to done, but this is the only way I can think of so far.

  4. I have been "commissioned" to create some leather knife sheaths for a knife maker. The problem is, he wants the sheath to just fit over the blade, (not up the handle), and does not want any snaps, or flaps, or anything on it.

    Ok, I can do that. But...how to I make one that will stay on the blade with nothing but the fit of the blade to hold it on? I know I can make one for him, it's fairly simple. I was just wondering if there was any tips or tricks you guys might know of to make it fit tight enough to stay on. I think I may be able to do that, but knowing the properties of leather, how long will that fit last?

    Any ideas?

  5. How do you know it would not have taken much effort to

    have done better? Do you know this person?


    Nope. Have no idea who made the items I saw...and there's nothing personal in that assessment on the quality of the work. The only basis I had to judge it by were the items on display themselves, and that's what I based my critique on. They looked like somebody bought a tandy kit and just threw it together and jacked the price up because it was in a tourist-y spot.

  6. I feel I must make a confession, however.

    While walking through one of the shopping areas in Santa Fe at Christmas last year, I came upon a glass case with various leather goods displayed for sale. Of course, the prices were astronomical...muy expensive stuff.

    While I was looking closer at the items for sale, I noticed...the were all finished Tandy kits items! And, while I can't knock somebody who finishes a really good kit item...these were not, let us say, of any extraordinary quality workmanship.

    First thought I had was, "Pffft, Amateur!" I'm sure he did get a tourist sale every now and then, but I wouldn't have paid much of anything for the things I'd seen there.

    Honestly, I hope they do well, there, because it's a fellow leathercrafter, but I wouldn't have bought any of it, personally...because I know it wouldn't take much effort to have done better work.

    I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

  7. Got a question...or a gripe, maybe..:)

    Why is it, that people will pay $50~$60 or more for a machine made leather product, but they expect you to hand make one for them for $20, and you almost have to dial 911 when you tell them what you'd really charge them? I get that a lot.

    I suppose because I know what goes into making stuff, I'm more willing to pay for the craftsmanship of a hand-made item, but not everybody "gets it" I suppose. Just frustrating.

  8. I do the concho snaps because it adds to the over all look of the case...in my humble opinion. I started out making a case for myself, and I didn't want just a plain old snap on the front...or velcro, or what ever. So I made a concho snap.

    You don't have to do it, it's a personal preference thing for me. But, for what it's worth, I don't think I'd buy one for myself without an interesting concho....unless there were some really clever way to close the case. When you're thinking up your design, ask yourself if YOU would pay money for it...?

    Right now, I'm working on a new design since my latest cell phone won't fit in the old case. I'll post pics when I'm done. I'm thinking of using a lot of conquistador braiding, and the phone will ride on it's side instead of vertically. Still got some kinks to work out, but it's coming along.

  9. I also have a handful left over from coverting conchos to snaps. If you want 'em, you can have 'em...just tell me where to send them. I don't have many, but you're welcome to what I have. (I never throw anything away)

    What I need are some screws that are a bit longer than the "conversion" screws to make snaps. I've run into a couple projects where the smaller screw just won't reach the concho well enough to get a grip.

    Any ideas?

  10. I've made a few cases myself. I had an old "universal" case from Nite-Ize and I blatantly copied their shape...even cut the belt clip out of the old one to put in my case.

    I braided around the edges, and put a conquistador braid in the sides. No stiching except for the flap that helps hold the belt clip on. (which I did by hand).

    I've made these for larger phones by increasing the size of my pattern, and thinning the flap over the top to account for phones with the antenna sticking up. Haven't tried to go smaller yet, but might someday.

    A "universal" case might be a good one to copy, as they're designed to fit a lot of different phones, and are fairly adaptable.



  11. If anybody has old dog collars or cat collars, I'd like to have a few. Particularly the hardware from them, but I can cut that off if you don't want too.

    Or if anybody knows a good supplier for nylon buckles and adjusters, that'd be nice too.


  12. Jumpin' Jehosaphat! Ice cream AND cobbler?!? I'd hurt myself!Doc, this road trip is sounding better and better all the time!Thanks, Rich. You're partly to blame for this new "addiction" with all things leather I now have. My stuff wouldn't look near as good without all the great tips-n-tricks I picked up from you!

  13. Very cool...nice work! I want to try a whip....someday...:) Just can't let the wife find it...could be trouble...:)

    I just bought the Bruce Grant book, and went off the deep end. I'd like to get into carving and stamping now, so I can add more detail to stuff like the phone cases, but for now, I just do braiding.

  14. Very cool lookin stuff. I'll be down in columbia for the Blind Melon Show on the 3rd of July which is next thursday.

    Thanks...that should be a good show. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town all next week and will miss it. Planning to go to the Grandfather Mt. Highland Games up there in NC in a few weeks, though.

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