have some test stuff printed at a local print shop on different printers to help you decide.
I can make some stamps on my ender v3 but really detailed stuff fails because it has a 0.4 mm nozzle so any features smaller than disappear amd features that get cut off when the design gets converted into a 0.4mm wide tool path.
Also the plastic is quite weak so unless you make the stamp part really thin the small features will break.
Stuff like a McDonalds logo an inch wide should work fine, a starbucks logo in that size would be problematic, a coca cola logo would be impossible.
I can get better resolution if i put in a smaller nozzle and tweak settings but i have not done that yet so i can't say how that would turn out.
A resin printer can print more resolustion than a standard fdm printer but i have no idea if those prints are strong enough.