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  1. How did you get the white highlites around the details? Love the work! I do some pyrography as well.
  2. Very simple. A magnet will stick to the iron, and not aluminum.
  3. Absolutely fantastic!
  4. WW I Era horse gas mask. OOps! Too late
  5. The auction was nearby in central PA. I just happened to see the listing. The guy was an old hobbyist who used to own a scrap yard. He was into a bit of everything.
  6. It went for $625.00. It was a newer aluminum frame machine in really nice shape. I had a budget of 400, so no, I did not get it. The old fella had a lot of really cool stuff. A Champion lock-stitch machine went for nearly 2000 fully restored. A luberto #9 with a motor drive and bench went for $800 with no sign of the winning bidder backing down. BIG older machines went dirt cheap, but there were not many bargains to be had that day.
  7. There is a Boss coming up at auction locally on Wednesday. Anything in particular that I should be looking at in a used machine? I have never seen one up close and personal, so any help would be appreciated.
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