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Everything posted by grommit

  1. Hello there, Im confused where i should this thread, (due to illness & learning diffulculty) I would like advice is there people in the UK would want a Power Mallet with the correct power convertor (50/60Hz) due to arthritis and motion repeated injury on my good hand im no longer able to operate it all. all advice would be appreciated.ATB Bri https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTDqZ34bGFF8YnNvD3-YnoA
  2. Hello all, sorry it has took a long time to get back to you. unfortunately I have been into hospital again, for more treatment. As you can imagine that the mo all activities are no go. I really appreciate all your help. Soon as im fit enough I would like to continue with the hobbies and getting the brace sorted. ATB Bri
  3. Hello all, I have the chance to look at wood turning. a man sent me a link for a brace, as he uses it for fly fishing due athur-riris. has anybody made one, or know somebody that made similar? this would be used with my bad arm whilst wood turning. using the chisels. I would think holding the chisels would be Velcro etc. any help or guidance will be appreciated. thank you ATB Bri
  4. thanks so much, I'm really happy with it. started getting RMI doing the same stages...lol ATB Bri
  5. My good friend and mentor Ian Bailey wanted to make something to make leatherwork easier for me, using my good hand. I think its a great bit of workmanship. The main was to made easy for stitching but I use it for than that Thanks for viewing ATB Bri
  6. Hi all, thank you for the advice. I don't have diamond awl, so guess what I need to perchase! a great explanation I'm really happy. thank you ATB Bri
  7. Thank so much, its a challenge. but I'm finding the back of the stitching is poor whilst the inside is ok...I'll get there. ATB Bri
  8. Really!!! I'm happy that you think. took hrs n hrs with one hand to do it, but I got there. respect Brian
  9. hello all, 1-1.5mm chestnut leather. any comments welcome. ATB Bri
  10. Hello all, ive been practicing with the tools I need to make this wallet, but took a long time due to having only one hand mobile. 1-1.5mm veg tan- light brown dye. The single stitching was a combination of large and small stitches, getting the best to do it. gluing is hard as you imagine and dying the leather. Ive enjoyed it. Thank you for viewing. ATB Brian
  11. Thank you so much guys for replies. im slowly looking on Cowboy at the moment. A long way to go before I settle on the best machine for my needs. atb Brian
  12. Hello all, i am confused there is so many to choose from. I only need to sow 1-4mm leather. slow action needed. im partially disabled, so mostly one handed operation, if possible. only button in the UK. is this link good to buy for my needs? http://www.singerdirect.co.uk/products/singer-4423?variant=6658607620&gclid=CjwKEAjw0KK4BRDCiKHD5Ny8pHESJACLE620xF6vOSkZSK3aijj8-ZhxfWo6leD9I5NVELrOWDRovxoCjlXw_wcB I hope I making this thread to understand? Due to difficultys with getting what what to exactly say! i appreciate any help. ATB Brian
  13. Hello all, for all the seller is good about sending the kit back and paying for the shipping then refunding me later. but I just get the whole problem! Maplin made me angry as sent an email an stated my kit spec complete, they said yes it work (the 300w converter! if person knew anything about electrics they'd spot the 60Hz needed to run the kit..but they've made me buy another 50hz converter... They reckonise the problem, and at the same time "we've got a 60hz model in stock...£145!!! No shame! Somewhere lyes the problem...the seller is used to sell in USA not U.K and its ELECTIC set up! saying just buy a power converter is a bit lame tbh! I'm totaly to blame! if I'd know about the implications of electrics I could of done it proplery my friend is going to take me through checking with a multimeter via Skype etc..bought a cheap one it'll read what I want see. If all it give a reading from the the power converter I'll be happy! At least I can say I've check the kit. the seller is happy for me to hold on for the moment. gives me time to get an definate answer from Foredom about the problem etc. Atb bri
  14. At least he helping..being good about it!! ellimitaion or what ever the word is lol. asked to put the EMX-1 into the power convertor then to the motor!! Already try this yesterday.. sent pictures to him and a one of my power converter as he reckons it could be the power converter that doesn't work!!! Red light on switched on..btw told him Maplin emailed me and confirms the 300W step down conferter will run the Power Mallet now stage 2 of ellimitaion!!! What next...lol im not going back to the hospital from stress I tell you..too much hard earn cash been spent so far.. atb bri
  15. Found the fuse for the EMX-1 and a spare..all ok! But no one in th FCT-1. been looking closely in the Foredom site... yes im thinking that the wrong foot control is sent!!! Especially they can't use any other control, only one.. it state clearly on the site what controls can use with the LX motor!! i just don't understand the logic of the seller!!! ATB brian
  16. thank you very much Thor. I cant understand what's went wrong? is it the wrong foot controller for the LX like Art suggest, that eventually fried the item? FCT-1 being to run AC motor, not the LX DC motor That says to me that the TXR-1 control SHOULD sent not the FCT-1 controller as from the Foredom site? Maplin Emailed me and can confirm the 300W power step down converter will the power mallet,however I only sent them the spec of the LX motor and not the individual items EMX-1 & FCT-1 . just trying to pin point in short the problem, without getting info overload. ATB Bri
  17. Hello thor its really frustrating now! As I said I've done everything from the seller...one power converter that fried!! Now another stronger controller. But the kit has no power at all. looking at the replies I gather that there is a wrong foot controller that should be with the LX motor, is that right? if so that I have ask the seller. like Art said, I hope the motor and the hand control is not fried!! Then my options is try to get my refund. thanks again bri
  18. Thank Art, im baffled!! Are you saying what I bought is not the set up I need to run the power Mallet?? Especially in the U.K. Via a power convertor? As suggested by the maker/seller... this is getting bad!! All I've done is acted with the right direction..ie get a power converter..and it has failed!! Now I'm out of pocket again...only 45 minute play time... I will check the foot controller as u said for a fuse... At the end of the day!! I'm got my consumer right and can get a refund...haven't I??? a lot of money has passed hand and the item does not work. im upset and frustrated...awaiting emails from the seller for help as we speak!! Atb bri
  19. Hello there, My power convertor model RP90X over heated after 45 minutes. Now ive bought a model VR05 300w UK/US step down transformer. but the power mallet does not work. the motor is a LX L150032 model. 1.0amps DC 125 Volts DC 1/10HP 5,000 max RPM with a FOREDOM EMX-1 DIAL SPEED CONTROLER 115 Volt 4 amps 60 HZ code 0815. FOREDOM FCT-1 FOOT SPEED CONTROL 120Volts 4 amps 60HZ code 1115 now just need an electrician close by. ATB Bri
  20. Hello Art, for some reason I can't upload a picture ..it was the full set up with the foredom switched on... exactly how it should be set up!! this is as you know the second power converter I've bought...so now I'm going to email maplin and send the the power mallets spec to see if can be run... my only option aswell is get an electrician out to check the whole set up before I email the seller for an refund. a expensive toy so far £1,010..and 45 minutes play time.. ATB bri
  21. the power should come from the power converter-foot control-hand control-motor. I was able to plug the foot control with the power converter. then the hand control (see pic) then the full set up. still doing my head in.cant see any fuses at all. for a over a thousand dollars it want to cook my meals let alone work! if I don't get satisfaction ill have return it and lose money on customs and shipping etc. ATB Brian
  22. Hello Tom as you can see at the picture the power converter is switch on...)(red on an off like on the pic that connected to the hand control, that switches in on and off..surely the green light should illuminate ?
  23. Hello all, im really upset now!!! bought a new power converter....now no power at all with the whole set up!! im baffled now!!! All can think did buy the right power converter!! Surely the green light should light!!! Let alone power the set up!!! ill go onto the PC and get pictures of the power converter...but I don't have a multi metre etc..not that I can use one!!! atb bri
  24. Hello Tom, my friend is an electrician, and I still didn't understand any of it!! lol sorry!PM is Power Mallet. ive bought 300W a UK to US Stepdown Voltage Converter / Transformer 240v to 110v USA..so hoping this will work. once again thank Tom. ATB ~brian
  25. Ohhhhh! forgot to include the PM motor specs. ATB Bri
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